NuffCatnip: Hard pass after yet another delay from Devolver.
kai2: I understand your feeling, but IMHO two weeks isn't long to wait for a DRM-free version. It gives day one DRM sales on the big sites, allows the initial sales to cool down, and then it shows up here. I could only hope all publishers brought games to GOG after 2 weeks.
I can wait weeks/months/years for a game, but the developers and publishers should communicate with people.
The thing that annoys me to no end is that there was no warning a là 'hey, the game won't release here day 1, because of *
insert some kind of lie*'. They simply cancelled the option to pre-order the game a few days before release.
There was nothing but radio silence, the only response people got was on their Discord channel. Yes, people that already pre-ordered Weird West got a mail from gog, the rest was left in the dark.
It's not as bad as what the Phoenix Point devs pulled, but still a deal breaker for me.
kai2: As it is I continually go begging on Steam forums and Reddit pages for games to release on GOG.. and devs and publishers (even indies) almost never even reply. *sigh*
Same here, I keep messaging developers on their Discord channels.
What bothers me more though, is having to beg for updates.