rjbuffchix: Thanks for the confirmation. Well, it is one of those gray areas where the user has to determine if they mind it or not, though I agree the more dependencies they are in something like this tends to risk a similar effect to DRM in the future. Also as probably obvious, for anyone else reading too, my original comment here should say "the previous version *without* controller support".
nightcraw1er.488: So I just reinstalled with version 9, and that only has discord (which can be removed) and gog galaxy spyware on, so this has purposefully been added to version 10b. I see that there is a new version out 10c, I don’t know if that helps any. Frankly I am sick and tired of spyware being pushed into offline installers, it’s every release now we go through this. No changelog, no option to download previous versions. I was thinking about laying my boycott of gog, but it’s clear they just don’t care at all about what gets pushed out, and even THQ are at it now. If someone does use 10c, can they confirm if steam/epic spyware was removed? Me I will hang onto the last working copy.
Just curious, what does the spyware even do anyway? Send game statistics back, like playing time, amount of time spent in a level, etc? It is off-putting regardless of how little or lot it sends, of course. Honestly, I never like when games even have ads in the menu for DLC etc!
As for boycotting, I have discussed my stance of only buying must-haves, and practically speaking considering buying offline installers while we are still able. New release Mechajammer seems like it will be getting reworked a lot compared to the initial release; so people who do like it as it is should make sure to buy it now or lose the chance.
It would do a lot for consumer goodwill if Epic spyware was kept out of GOG, Galaxy spyware was kept out of GOG, DRM was removed from Cyberpunk cosmetic content (seriously, how can there be any excuse for this when it's "their own" game essentially).