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Criminal mindgames.

<span class="bold">The Silver Case</span>, a crime adventure/visual novel steeped in mystery and political intrigue, is fully remastered and available now, DRM-free on with a 10% launch discount.

The city is gripped by fear. A mysterious serial killer leaves behind him a trail of bodies, taunting the authorities and terrorizing the population. But the murders seem connected to the infamous "Silver Case" from 20 years back, which costed the lives of many political figures. Could it be that the elusive Kamui Uehara is back? And if so, why did he or she stop killing 20 years ago?
A special forces unit is tasked with putting an end to these gruesome murders. As its member, you'll need to investigate the city's shadows, squeeze information out of unwilling witnesses, and solve puzzles that may reveal you the evidence you need. Originally released in 1999 without English localization, The Silver Case is the fully remastered version of the cult classic, which introduced us to SUDA51's twisted realm of dark imagination. Go ahead and try the free <span class="bold">demo</span> for a taste.

Attempt to solve <span class="bold">The Silver Case</span> and get thrust into an intriguing world of lies, betrayal, and murder -- DRM-free on Make your case even more shiny with the <span class="bold">Deluxe Edition</span>, which also includes an artbook, a digital comic book and the game's moody OST.
The 10% launch discount will last until October 14, 12:59 PM UTC.
Post edited October 07, 2016 by maladr0Id
JudasIscariot: Demo's live :)
Thank you for the demo. Will check it out.
What are people's impression of this? It has a three star rating, but I don't see what might warrant that.
Fortuk: What are people's impression of this? It has a three star rating, but I don't see what might warrant that.
Play the demo and find out. :P
Doesn't look like my kind of game, but it's interesting to see a Suda game on PC.

Though all his best games to date are on Nintendo systems, I wonder what else could potentially come this way down the line.
Post edited October 08, 2016 by ReynardFox
gamesfreak64: I think i played the steam demo..........
the intro was flashy i had to alF$ quickly because of the photosensitivy.
this game is no game for me

I noticed many new games have flashy effects, seems they can't do without it, i stick to old classic non flashy games, there are still hundreds old good games out there but for some unclear reason only steam and gamersgate have these (many drn free at gamersgate) while a large number of the developers/publisher have games on Gog.

Oh FP ? well if i had know that before i would have make my eyes and head suffer from watching the headache inducing intro, its weird that they dont mention that, many digital games dont have any mention of possible epilepsy warning, the retail games with paper manuals always had one.

I think devs should be aware of that and should mention it.
JudasIscariot: Do try the demo, the game has a first person perspective but it's not like an FPS, you have some segments where you move around but you do not have to hurry and can take your time. Also, the movement during the time that you do move around is grid-based (sort of like an old-school dungeon crawler) :)
You mean like EOTB 1,2 and 3 ?
i can play EOTB cause the screen that moves is very small , i have EOTB 1,2,3 at gog got it when it arrived.
The majority of my games are left to right, i have all wadjet eye games.
I have checked all my games and the ones i cant play i have made invisible on my shelves.
JudasIscariot: Do try the demo, the game has a first person perspective but it's not like an FPS, you have some segments where you move around but you do not have to hurry and can take your time. Also, the movement during the time that you do move around is grid-based (sort of like an old-school dungeon crawler) :)
gamesfreak64: You mean like EOTB 1,2 and 3 ?
i can play EOTB cause the screen that moves is very small , i have EOTB 1,2,3 at gog got it when it arrived.
The majority of my games are left to right, i have all wadjet eye games.
I have checked all my games and the ones i cant play i have made invisible on my shelves.
Yeah, it's grid based just like Eye of the Beholder so no frantic FPS-style stuff going on in The Silver Case :) Still, try the demo and see if you like it :)
Tried the demo, I wish I hadn't. Jeeeesus, 20 minutes of tedious and (as far as I can tell) unskippable intro before you can do anything besides closing dialogue windows. Had no idea how to properly quit the game (let alone save the game), so I alt-tabbed out. Not gonna pay any money for the privilege to endure those 20 minutes once again, just so I can find out if the rest of the game sucks just as hard. Sorry.

Might be worth $5 for visual novel affictionados and weeaboos, others might want to stay far, FAR away.
wishlisted, thanks
gamesfreak64: You mean like EOTB 1,2 and 3 ?
i can play EOTB cause the screen that moves is very small , i have EOTB 1,2,3 at gog got it when it arrived.
The majority of my games are left to right, i have all wadjet eye games.
I have checked all my games and the ones i cant play i have made invisible on my shelves.
JudasIscariot: Yeah, it's grid based just like Eye of the Beholder so no frantic FPS-style stuff going on in The Silver Case :) Still, try the demo and see if you like it :)
Thanks.... i tried it and its not EOTBi love EOTB played it on AMIGA in the past, so i have to skip on this one...

I will be getting most or all wadjet eye games (point and click) that will come, the kathy rain devs are wroking on a new game and the screens look good sofar.

It all depends on how much flashy effects will be present , normally in old style click and play like Zak McKracken there wore no flashes, but today they seem to think that to make a dark setting compleet it needs heavy lightning and thunder effects, but not for me.

I would still pay 15 euros or 20 , for a normal decent click and play game without all the background flashing effects cause imho these dont belong in a click and play game.

I might sound critcial on games, but i grew up with decent games, (playing games > 40 years i know what is good and what ik like to play and buy) sure there were nasty games with flashes back then, but today they are way to common.

Thats why i loved Maniac Mansion back then and Zak McKracken and any normal adventure that doest want to show their wonderfull 3d or flashing effects, these belong in action and shooter games.

Anyway, i still hope the real good old click and play migh arrive here (while i am still able to play them cause in heaven there is nog internet and gaming)

i already own all these games elsewhere but i rather have them here aswell cause GOG is my favorite gamesite

Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths (Adventure/Point-and-Click)
Sinking Island (Adventure/Point-and-Click)
Chicago 1930 (Action, Strategy/Tactical)
The Jolly Gang's Misadventures in Africa (Adventure/Point-and-Click)
Last Half of Darkness - Society of the Serpent Moon (Adventure/Point-and-Click)
Art of Murder - Cards of Destiny (Adventure/Point-and-Click)
Art of Murder - FBI Confidential (Adventure/Point-and-Click)
Art of Murder - Hunt for the Puppeteer (Adventure/Point-and-Click)

Secret Files Franchise Pack (4 games) or better the entire collection (but it seems only steam has it)

Animation Arts Collection :

listprice 45.99 steam (but very often on sale) but i would buy it even at 49 euros cause you get 6 great games , i can run all except the LH 2 but maybe later when i get a new pc i can run it

Lost Horizon
Lost Horizon 2
Secret Files Collection:

Secret Files Tunguska
Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis
Secret Files 3
Secret Files: Sam Peters

If games like these can arrive here that would be great, sad thing is these old games have more votes then Paper Planes had, and yet games like this are here, so the wishlist looks more like its is what is able to get then to get the games with most votes.

It seems this might have to do with licence problems (steam getting it because many dev/publisher are so full of steam they only give it to them)

Maybe this is because these good games are worth lots of cash while any beginning developer is more then happy to get as much distribution points as possible, but sadly imho most of these games cant match the quality of the good old games.

So it seems / looks like as if the publisher of most of the games simply dont want to release these old games here , while some of them already have games here that makes it even stranger.
Post edited October 11, 2016 by gamesfreak64