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If you enjoyed The Riftbreaker, you’ll surely love this news – The Riftbreaker: Heart of the Swamp is now available on GOG!

The Riftbreaker is a base-building, survival game with Action-RPG elements. You are an elite scientist/commando inside an advanced Mecha-Suit capable of dimensional rift travel. Hack & slash countless enemies. Build up your base, collect samples and research new inventions to survive.

With The Riftbreaker: Heart of the Swamp DLC, you’ll explore an entirely new area of Galatea 37, catalog new species, craft new and unique weapons, and more.

Now on GOG!
high rated
GOG, how about having a talk with EXOR Studios and telling them to add the friggin' achievements also on GOG since they have no problem adding dozens of DLCs to the game?
Since these dev insist on not giving their GOG customers the same Achievements for their games that they do give to their St*** customers, I therefore insist on never buying any of their games.

Hopefully many others feel the same way, and maybe if their games flop hard enough, eventually they will stop treating GOG customers like second-class citizens with missing features (yes, that is probably wishful thinking, but oh well).
high rated
Luckily I don't care about achievements, so to the wishlist it goes.
high rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Since these dev insist on not giving their GOG customers the same Achievements for their games that they do give to their St*** customers, I therefore insist on never buying any of their games.
Oh, boo hoo.
Hopefully many others feel the same way,
They don't. You're 100% delusional if you think this would contribute in any way to any games here "flopping".
high rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Since these dev insist on not giving their GOG customers the same Achievements for their games that they do give to their St*** customers, I therefore insist on never buying any of their games.

Hopefully many others feel the same way, and maybe if their games flop hard enough, eventually they will stop treating GOG customers like second-class citizens with missing features (yes, that is probably wishful thinking, but oh well).
How did you play games before achievement?
Impressed by the ability to have missile silos. However, if I'm to reach this point, I'd rather seek a different world unless a matter of life or death (not clear if this is the case, per trailer, sorry).
high rated
Syphon72: How did you play games before achievement?
Not at all, obviously. Can't play something if someone doesn't tell you how to have fun. ;)
No, it was possible to play games before achievements; you just sat there and grimly battled through them with a scowl on your face and a joyless void in your heart. After all, the only other possible activity was bashing rocks together, so what else were you going to do?
high rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Hopefully many others feel the same way, and maybe if their games flop hard enough, eventually they will stop treating GOG customers like second-class citizens with missing features (yes, that is probably wishful thinking, but oh well).
Yeah, no. If any game "flops" here no one is going to think: "Oh, it is because we didn't add achievements. Lets fix that right away!" They will just think there isn't a market here and stop selling games here. So how about you not hope to ruin everyone else's enjoyment just because you are obsessed with achievements.

I know you have been asked this before, but seriously, since you care about achievements (which require a client to be running so aren't really drm-free) so much why don't you just stick to Steam? They have all those shiny achievements you want. And you can run Steam in offline mode if you want to pretend to have some drm-freedom.

Edit: Oh, and for the record I want to point out that I didn't say anything to Alexim, because all he did was ask for achievements. Simply wanting achievements isn't too big a deal. You, Mr Ancient-Red-Dragon, want games to fail, developers to lose money, and customers to miss out on getting games all because you can't handle not having achievements. Your priorities are seriously questionable.
Post edited June 22, 2024 by MasterofFiction
MasterofFiction: I know you have been asked this before, but seriously, since you care about achievements (which require a client to be running so aren't really drm-free)
They're definitely not DRM-free. If GOG goes away, so do Galaxy achievements; you have zero ownership. It's an intensely hypocritical stance to demand both DRM-free and Galaxy dependency.
The game just became more interesting! There should be in-game achievements. They are the best!
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Since these dev insist on not giving their GOG customers the same Achievements for their games that they do give to their St*** customers, I therefore insist on never buying any of their games.

Hopefully many others feel the same way, and maybe if their games flop hard enough, eventually they will stop treating GOG customers like second-class citizens with missing features (yes, that is probably wishful thinking, but oh well).
I agree that a lack of feature parity sucks. I'd also always prefer having achievements on GOG in addition to the benefits it brings.

However, I personally would never buy a game on another storefront over GOG just because it has achievements there. What GOG offers is so much more important to me in the grand scheme of things, that missing achievements is irrelevant in comparison.

But yes, I'd really appreciate having achievements, and it's a shame so many games don't do it for GOG, especially with how easy the Galaxy SDK is to set up for allowing that.
I actually love this game. I get overwhelmed by the scanning near end game and wish there was more story and campaign, but overall I keep coming back to it.
Alexim: GOG, how about having a talk with EXOR Studios and telling them to add the friggin' achievements also on GOG since they have no problem adding dozens of DLCs to the game?
The game has three DLCs (four, if you consider the soundtrack a DLC, which I don't) - that's a quarter of a dozen. To say dozens is quite the stretch, don't you think? Let's stick to facts and not make any silly exaggerations.

Now, the better question is, why EXOR's much older game, Zombie Driver, isn't on GOG?