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The Occupation is now available DRM-free.

Your role is to uncover evidence as a journalist by sneaking through restricted areas and questioning people on their actions through a series of one-on-one interviews. All this takes place in a detailed, systems-driven world where people will react to your actions and where time is your biggest enemy.
avatar The Occupation is now available DRM-free.

Your role is to uncover evidence as a journalist by sneaking through restricted areas and questioning people on their actions through a series of one-on-one interviews. All this takes place in a detailed, systems-driven world where people will react to your actions and where time is your biggest enemy.
*Forum pop*

Got middling reviews... but the concept is intriguing... might give it a shot
For a game that costs 30€ I would like to see the full implementation of the achievements.
Anyway the concept is very interesting.
high rated
Alexim: For a game that costs 30€ I would like to see the full implementation of the achievements.
Anyway the concept is very interesting.
The achievements are being worked on as I've confirmed this with the developers :)

I've been looking forward to this since it was announced. I loved Ether One and have high hopes for this.

I know there have been some bugs reported but from previous experience, I know the guys at White Paper games will be all over them!
Yay. Finally the second game from the devs that brought as the amazing Ether One Redux (and for everybody who owns this, I have been promised personally that there will be a patch for this that will fix the few bugs that might occur in the GOG version of the Redux version). I am sure it will be a great game but 30 Euros is a bit too much for me so I will wishlist it for now ... with a high priority :)
Alexim: For a game that costs 30€ I would like to see the full implementation of the achievements.
Anyway the concept is very interesting.
Why are achievements so important? Serious question - I've never understood the appeal of them.
low rated
30€ for an adventure game ?
Looks decent but i do wonder how large part stealth plays in a game like this because i have no interest in a 80-90% walking sim game.

Good writing comes a long way if it has that but i need some actual gameplay in it.
The price IS a bit steep for a 5 hour game... shame, I will definitely buy, but will wait for a sale on this one
Alexim: For a game that costs 30€ I would like to see the full implementation of the achievements.
Anyway the concept is very interesting.
JudasIscariot: The achievements are being worked on as I've confirmed this with the developers :)
Awesome, thank you for the update!
Mawthra: The price IS a bit steep for a 5 hour game... shame, I will definitely buy, but will wait for a sale on this one
I expect there is a lot of scope for replaying, getting caught retrieving evidence, making different decisions, etc. On the strength of Ether One, I'm happy to take the chance.
Mawthra: The price IS a bit steep for a 5 hour game... shame, I will definitely buy, but will wait for a sale on this one
Is the 5 hours playtime confirmed?
Mawthra: The price IS a bit steep for a 5 hour game... shame, I will definitely buy, but will wait for a sale on this one
LynetteC: I expect there is a lot of scope for replaying, getting caught retrieving evidence, making different decisions, etc. On the strength of Ether One, I'm happy to take the chance.
What I really loved with Ether ONe is that you could rush it if you like but you would get so much more if you tried to solve everything which would take you actually quite some time - it's your decision how you want to play it. Also the story was so touching and deep.
Post edited March 05, 2019 by MarkoH01
This game costs almost the same as Devil May Cry 5.
LynetteC: Why are achievements so important? Serious question - I've never understood the appeal of them.
1. Because they add goals to achieve and humans are psychologically inclined to like achieving goals.

2. Because GOG customers who don't hate Achievements do not appreciate being treated like second-class citizens by the many/most devs who can't be bothered to add Achievements to the GOG versions of their games even though they could and did be bothered to add Achievements to the same identical games on Steam.

In other words, it's also a matter of principle in objecting to how many/most devs think it's okay not to give GOG customers equal treatment as they do to their Steam customers. Why do GOG customers deserve less? The dollars that the devs collect from them aren't worth less, so neither should the products that they receive have features omitted from them.
Post edited March 05, 2019 by Ancient-Red-Dragon