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Released originally in 1998, THE LAST BLADE 2 is a legendary weapons-based fighting game made by SNK. Now, this cult title available DRM-free on GOG.COM with a 20% discount lasting until 8th June, 1 PM UTC. Choose your hero out of 18 combatants who are directed by their destiny to cross swords in an epic battle to seal the Hell’s Gate.
Spectrum_Legacy: Anyway, does it matter who is "right" in some guessing game of what gets released or when? Had no idea... But your opinion in this matter has been duly noted though.
Not so much being right as it is my personal hope and belief of "if the doubt is public, then the winds may blow the opposite direction", if you follow my line of thought there.

Sincerely hoping I'm wrong, because in that case it would mean a decent (at least) new release here on GOG for those interested in it to enjoy. If I'm "right" it just means that GOG remains the last dog to the dinner bowl hoping that all the other dogs before it might have left a scrap to sustain it until the next meal call comes around.

Not to say there aren't enough "new" old releases, or new new releases but I think most would agree that if something is seeing a multi-store release at this stage, it would be nice to see GOG included in said list.
TheMonkofDestiny: Not so much being right as it is my personal hope and belief of "if the doubt is public, then the winds may blow the opposite direction", if you follow my line of thought there.
Sure, but now another wind blows through a heated age, so rejoice.
Spectrum_Legacy: Sure, but now another wind blows through a heated age, so rejoice.
I see what you did there. ;P
Mattis._.: But why should it matter who developed those collections. Usually the Publisher decides where a game is released and Capcom (Mega Man and Street Fighter) is very reluctand with GOG releases. SNK usually supports GOG, but with a significant delay. So I think it is not unrealistic. That is also the reason, why we got the Lion King/Aladdin bundle, because Disney releases on GOG as well.
TheMonkofDestiny: Certain developers overlook GOG just as much as their publishers do.

Just because SNK has titles here (and available through places like Humble) doesn't guarantee any kind of favorable look toward them allowing future releases of titles they have planned, much less collections they have licensed and outsourced.

Besides, I never said it was unrealistic just that I strongly doubt it sees a release here (I can't see the future obviously, so maybe I'm proven wrong 5+ years from now).
My point is, developers do not decide where a game is released. Usually the Publisher does as they take care of all the sales and make all the strategic decisions.
Mattis._.: My point is, developers do not decide where a game is released. Usually the Publisher does as they take care of all the sales and make all the strategic decisions.
I followed the point you were making. Usually, yes, the publisher signs the necessary agreement(s). That doesn't mean they have free reign against the developer.
Mattis._.: My point is, developers do not decide where a game is released. Usually the Publisher does as they take care of all the sales and make all the strategic decisions.
TheMonkofDestiny: I followed the point you were making. Usually, yes, the publisher signs the necessary agreement(s). That doesn't mean they have free reign against the developer.
Only if the developers hold some rights regarding the release. Which is usually not the point with collections.
Post edited June 04, 2020 by Mattis._.
Wishlisted straight away.