Recommend turning off motion blur & film grain - much better without them.
-cerberus-: Can't quite put my finger on it but maybe some of you can relate to this: the 7th gen console era came packed with a plethora of obscure hidden gems, some of which remain undiscovered to this day. Flawed games with a unique charm. These types of devs & games got pretty much phased out midway through the 8th gen console life-cycle and were replaced by an influx of pixel art indie shovelware. Terminator Resistance feels like it was conceived during that transitional period between that 7th & 8th gen. No doubt, there's a lot to criticize but there's a lot more to love.
"AA games" is how I've seen them termed - modern games but without the massive budgets and marketing campaigns of AAA games. You can search the term to find some discussion online.