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The famous undead hero returns to kick a** and eat brains! Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse is now available on GOG.COM. Travel back in time to the year 1959 and visit the city of Punchbowl, PA, a beacon of progress and ideal living. Its inhabitants don’t yet know that law and order are no match for a dead man on a mission.

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Ancient-Red-Dragon: Yeah, great point, thanks.

By the way, I'm seeing conflicting claims about whether the original music has or has not been removed from this game.

What is the definitive, real, true answer? Has it been removed? Or has it not?
Okay, but what about the conflicting claims that say music is missing, i.e:

Those conflicting claims of:

a) all original music is still in the game,


b) some of the music has been removed, and is no longer in the game

...can't both be right.

So which one is actually right?
Post edited March 17, 2021 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Okay, but what about the conflicting claims that say music is missing, i.e:

Those conflicting claims of:

a) all original music is still in the game,


b) some of the music has been removed, and is no longer in the game

...can't both be right.

So which one is actually right?
I don't know if they removed music in the later stage of the game but the menu music is gone and it was later used at some stages. I don't see any reason to remove it from the menu and keep it on later stages in the game but i dont know for sure.
Truth be told, I would have played this even without achievements, but now that I know devs are working on adding them, I'm ok with waiting a little bit longer before I jump into my zombie suit.

Let's just hope the devs will be fair and add those really soon. I remember SUPERHOT achievements were added a lot later (several years if I'm not mistaken) on GOG. And now that I see some people say "achievements addition" was promised and never delivered for some titles available here, that's just not cool.

@GOG staff & devs
Not yelling at you or anything, just giving some honest suggestion. Nobody wants to be treated like a second class citizen, but if you're going to do that for any reason, all least have the guts to look gamers in the eye and say "We're sorry, this and that won't be happening". It's still evil, but at least it's lesser evil than hoping for something that won't happen.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Why does this game have Achievements on Steam yet not on GOG?
SmollestLight: Achievements will be available later. They are working on it.
What about the soundtrack and the (f)artbook?
Are those going to be available for purchase later too?
low rated
Another game that I would have bought, if GOG would have stayed true to their (singleplayer) DRM-free principle.
Brainslide: Weird how it's over a decade and a half and 3 generations before coming to PC though.
It came out on PC and Xbox at the same time. It just wasn't re-released through online game stores until now though.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Why does this game have Achievements on Steam yet not on GOG?
SmollestLight: Achievements will be available later. They are working on it.
Any update on the achievement support being added to Stubbs?
SmollestLight: Achievements will be available later. They are working on it.
User above has asked a valid question.
How about you kindly provide some valid answer?
Sending tumbleweeds we can't see but which we can hear isn't very cool, trust me.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Why does this game have Achievements on Steam yet not on GOG?
SmollestLight: Achievements will be available later. They are working on it.
Three months on now and no sight of achievements being added. Are they still coming?
Maybe they'll implement achievements before it's a freebie on Epic (which is next week). ;-P
But a question remains for me : the music in-game is identical to the 2005 version or altered / censored /removed ?
MaxFulvus: But a question remains for me : the music in-game is identical to the 2005 version or altered / censored /removed ?
Don't know how was the music in 2005, but in this one it's not something you'll notice much. At least I didn't and I finished the game 3-4 months ago. Other than missing achievements, the game works fine and is moderately enjoyable.
BranjoHello: Don't know how was the music in 2005, but in this one it's not something you'll notice much. At least I didn't and I finished the game 3-4 months ago. Other than missing achievements, the game works fine and is moderately enjoyable.
Ok, wait & see the Epic freebie then...