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FPS Immortals are here.

Quake II: Quad Damage, Quake III: Gold, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny - are available now, DRM-free on You can pick them up at 33% off in two bundles:
<span class="bold">Quake Damage</span> & <span class="bold">Return to Wolfenstein</span>.

Wolfenstein 3D (with Spear of Destiny) is widely considered to be the first true 3D FPS ever. It single handedly kickstarted a generation of id Software greats, and thus influenced just about every FPS we've played ever since. Its mazes, shades of gray, and blue hues are burned into the collective gaming memory - plus you get to kill a mechanized Hitler. Classic.
In the early days of FPS gaming, Quake II: Quad Damage was the milestone. In a spot-on review from 1997, GameSpot calls it "the only first-person shooter to render the original Quake entirely obsolete." It was bigger, better, prettier, and smoother than any clone or predecessor - it also offered one of the most playable, and by far most popular multiplayer experiences of its day.
Quake III: Gold, aka. multiplayer revolution. Despite a controversial removal of the lauded single-player experience the series was known for, Quake III: Arena became a smash-hit and (together with Unreal Tournament) essentially defined arena-style, movement-based competitive gaming for years. The shooter spawned a community that's been living and breathing to this day.
In B.J. Blazkowicz's Return to Castle Wolfenstein, another legend is born. A unique, objective-based multiplayer mode saw immense popularity back in the day - and it was actually pretty okay if you're into that sort of thing. The single-player campaign is a dark, somewhat ridiculous freak show of morbid, scientific fantasy. An ever present sense of dread emanates from the disturbing experiments and cult-like universe, just waiting to be set afire - by you.

As with any Bethesda purchase, you'll also get The Elder Scrolls: Arena & Daggerfall for free!

Prepare to fight in Quake II: Quad Damage, Quake III: Gold, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny - now DRM-free on Return to the FPS immortals at 33% off in two bundles: <span class="bold">Quake Damage</span> & <span class="bold">Return to Wolfenstein</span>. The promo will last for one week, until October 8, 12:59 PM GMT.

The four titles released today are not available for purchase in Germany. These are legal restrictions that are beyond our control, and we're very sorry for the inconvenience.
mobutu: Like I said, if germans want no censorship in this area then they should put pressure and lobby on their government.
What do you think is going to change without a further lobby supported from companies and platforms like GOG for exmaple? From my point of view: Nothing. So it is better having GOG not using their own principles and having regional locks in here?
apehater: elite (1984)
How I hate this game. I cannot count how many times I've crashed against the space station while trying to dock :(
apehater: hmm.. wie kam man eigentlich vor 10 jahren in deutschaland überhaupt an quake 3 dran, also ich meine kaufen?
In den Laden gehen und danach mit Ausweis fragen oder einfach importieren.
Edit: ninja'd
Post edited October 06, 2015 by MarkoH01
apehater: elite (1984)
MarkoH01: How I hate this game. I cannot count how many times I've crashed against the space station while trying to dock :(
apehater: hmm.. wie kam man eigentlich vor 10 jahren in deutschaland überhaupt an quake 3 dran, also ich meine kaufen?
MarkoH01: In den Laden gehen und danach mit Ausweis fragen oder einfach importieren.
Edit: ninja'd
ich kann mich nur noch daran erinnern, dass dies seit 2002 (nachdem dieser idiot amok lief) drastisch oder ganz eingeschränkt wurde. ich hab versucht eine ps2 version von ut99 zu kriegen und habs nirgendswo erhalten. vor diesem vorfall, konnte ich noch ohne ausweiß als minderjähriger severance blade of darkness (die ungek&uuml;rzte fassung) ohne probleme kaufen. quake 2 konnte ich auch nirgends herkriegen, hielt schon sehr lange nach diesem spiel ausschau und habs jetzt endlich.
Post edited October 06, 2015 by apehater
mobutu: GOG sells worldwide, Germany included, and if a local law like the current absurd german law says it's a "crime" to sell a banned/indexed digital videogame to german IPs then GOG must pay very close attention to it.
Would be interesting to know if a game that is banned in the US - if there exist one - would be sold on

I doubt it.
Post edited October 06, 2015 by viperfdl
mobutu: That is censoring and the censor is the german state/government.
classic-gamer: GOG doesn't sell in Germany, they can "ignore" German Law. Nobody from german state/government will get GOG on trouble.

And why is GOG still selling other games from "Index" and with swastika to german customers?

apehater: hmm.. wie kam man eigentlich vor 10 jahren in deutschaland überhaupt an quake 3 dran, also ich meine kaufen?
classic-gamer: Bei einem Händler??? Oder wie kommst du heute käuflich an Spiele ran? Weißt du, Händler (das ist das wo man Sachen wie Spiele kaufen kann) gab es schon früher. Diese Gattung gibt es sogar schon seit Jahrhunderten. Hört sich komisch an, ist aber so. -;
die frage war ernst gemeint, etwas mehr details wären hilfreich. denn bei allen händlern, bei den ich war hieß es meist haben wir nicht im katalog/auf lager und es ist gesperrt/aufm index, verkaufen wir nicht.
mobutu: GOG sells worldwide, Germany included, and if a local law like the current absurd german law says it's a "crime" to sell a banned/indexed digital videogame to german IPs then GOG must pay very close attention to it.
viperfdl: Would be interesting to know if a game that is banned in the US - if there exist one - would be sold on

I doubt it.
is gothic 2 english, that is sold here, the cut version?
Post edited October 06, 2015 by apehater
viperfdl: Would be interesting to know if a game that is banned in the US - if there exist one - would be sold on

I doubt it.
apehater: is gothic 2 english, that is sold here, the cut version?
Cut version?
apehater: is gothic 2 english, that is sold here, the cut version?
viperfdl: Cut version?
i remember that a video scene in gothic 2 was cut in the us version, they had to replace the part where you could see a breast.
apehater: and i thought 3d models in video games started in mid 90s
The first games with 3D Vector graphics were released in the late 1970's IIRC.

Here are 2 examples older than Elite:

<span class="bold">Battlezone </span> (Arcade version released in 1980)

<span class="bold">Stellar 7</span> (Apple II version released in 1983)
viperfdl: Cut version?
apehater: i remember that a video scene in gothic 2 was cut in the us version, they had to replace the part where you could see a breast.
I can't remember ever seeing a nude breast in Gothic 2. There was only a hinted sex-scene.
apehater: i remember that a video scene in gothic 2 was cut in the us version, they had to replace the part where you could see a breast.
viperfdl: I can't remember ever seeing a nude breast in Gothic 2. There was only a hinted sex-scene.
war wohl gothic 1 nicht 2:
viperfdl: I can't remember ever seeing a nude breast in Gothic 2. There was only a hinted sex-scene.
Yep, even the girl in the brothel scene wore underwear in Gothic 2.

I can confirm that the GOG version of Gothic 1 is the censored US version. The german version has boobs and full frontal nudity, those scenes are censored in the GOG version.
apehater: and i thought 3d models in video games started in mid 90s
Impaler26: The first games with 3D Vector graphics were released in the late 1970's IIRC.

Here are 2 examples older than Elite:

<span class="bold">Battlezone </span> (Arcade version released in 1980)

<span class="bold">Stellar 7</span> (Apple II version released in 1983)
viperfdl: I can't remember ever seeing a nude breast in Gothic 2. There was only a hinted sex-scene.
Impaler26: Yep, even the girl in the brothel scene wore underwear in Gothic 2.

I can confirm that the GOG version of Gothic 1 is the censored US version. The german version has boobs and full frontal nudity, those scenes are censored in the GOG version.
wait the german version here on gog is cut too?
Post edited October 06, 2015 by apehater
apehater: wait the german version here on gog is cut too?
AFAIK only the english version is censored. According to this post the german version is uncensored:

Although it seems that you have to patch the german GOG version to see the In Extremo concert according to some later posts in the same thread.
apehater: hmm.. wie kam man eigentlich vor 10 jahren in deutschaland überhaupt an quake 3 dran, also ich meine kaufen?
I reckon that wasn't a problem and you just had to ask for the game. Was selling quake 3 illegal, at all?
apehater: hmm.. wie kam man eigentlich vor 10 jahren in deutschaland überhaupt an quake 3 dran, also ich meine kaufen?
0Grapher: I reckon that wasn't a problem and you just had to ask for the game. Was selling quake 3 illegal, at all?
seit ungefähr 2002 war das so:

bei allen händlern, bei den ich war hieß es meist haben wir nicht im katalog/auf lager und es ist gesperrt/aufm index, verkaufen wir nicht.