Sachys: [...]
Yeah those straight up look like theyre not generated but using stolen assets (not saying you yourself did that).
No, they are definitly not existing assets, but were generated in real time. However, you feeling like they are is part of the problem
In the end, AI is just another tool. As with all tools, how well it is used depends on the person using the tools. I agree that within this game, there is a clash in art styles, which I personally do not like. However, i do not think there are any stolen or bought assets here, i do think they are AI generated. But, just gemerating AI art and putting it together do not just work.
AI, contrary to its name, is not actually very inteligent. It can only do exactly what it has been told to do, nothing more and nothing less. What an AI produces is very much dependednt on the commands it is given, and the data it has been trained on. In the end, when the AI is creating the whatever (be it sentences, pictures, music) it is producing, it is limited by what it has been trained on. (in other words, a bit derivative depending on the data it has been trained on). This is why I think ChatGPT with an art extension is better than Midjourney, as it has been trained on a much larger data set and therefore also have a larger range. The images in this game, i think has been created by Midjourney, as it has its own particular style, that style is derivated from the data it has been trained on, so you may see resmbelances to other art wiithin them.
When you use AI art, in the end you do need human oversight, and should have a human artist, to make sure it all hangs together and makes sens. This is something AI cannot (yet) do, becuase that is going beyond direct commands. Even the three images I quickly made, especially the second and third image, there are some major flaws that a human artist would not have made, and should have been correct if these images were used for something "real" and not just a quick demonstration.
(by the way, the three images used the same extended phrase. first image is "Catgirl" with normal settings, second is "Catgirls hunting in the forrest" as an anime image, and the third is "Group of catgirls hunting in the forrest with spears" as a realistic image :))
edit - and to be frank, with the low cost of a basic Midjourney account these days, for many things it is almost cheaper to have AI generated art then buying assets or do asset flips