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Guide humanity to the Red Planet in this strategy simulation game created with support from the European Space Agency. Mars Horizon is now available on GOG.COM with a 10% discount lasting until 19th February 2021, 2 PM UTC.

Your goal is both complex and fascinating at the same time. Construct a base, design and build rockets, conduct missions throughout the Solar System, and write your own history of Space exploration!

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Lone_Scout: Didn't you come from Uranus?
Orkhepaj: did i write that? nope
Surely your not sirius?
viperfdl: Only for men. Women came from Venus. Everyone knows that.
Only the hot ones.

The ones that are at war with you ... nag and argue and take you to the cleaners ... they are from Mars.
Post edited February 13, 2021 by Timboli
low rated
The game seems ok, and i'm into space exploration themed media, so.....saved to the wishlist.

viperfdl: Yes, let us ruin Mars, now that we are almost finished with Earth...
Well it's a barren rock currently not serving much use to us atm anyways.
(of course if there was an ecosystem[beyond the fungal or bacterial level, I mean] or civilization there i'd likely be against us trying to exploit it)

As for "ruining earth": the earth itself is more or less ok & will most likely continue to be for quite some time....we're just ruining it for humans(and some other advanced life).

Crosmando: The idea of colonizing Mars is completely ridiculous anyway, it's a dead planet.
Domes and/or underground habitats(also it'd likely be a good source of some resources and/or a staging area to go further out into space).

(plus we really don't have many options close by[given our current tech level] if we wanna build colonies beyond the earth.....and compared to other options Mars is more worthwhile a candidate)
Post edited February 13, 2021 by GamezRanker
GamezRanker: Well it's a barren rock currently not serving much use to us atm anyways.
Heh, "use to us". That's the problem mindset right there.
GamezRanker: As for "ruining earth": the earth itself is more or less ok & will most likely continue to be for quite some time....we're just ruining it for humans(and some other advanced life).
That part there between parentheses is the all important bit, the other species. Well, also the bit about the humans that are less guilty of it, and even those actively trying to fight against, paying much of the price.

Been quite pissed with all this focus on Mars recently, because it shows just this, that the purpose of space exploration isn't gaining knowledge, answering questions, but (relatively) short-term practical uses and benefits. And we see what that mindset did to Earth.

On topic though, this is a game, and interesting enough as a concept. And the focus allows it to be serious and accurate, as one about space missions in general (KSP?) couldn't be. No idea whether it actually is, of course.
low rated
Cavalary: Heh, "use to us". That's the problem mindset right there.
Tbh I think both mindsets(over consumption or over protective of the environment) have their negatives/downsides.

Cavalary: Been quite pissed with all this focus on Mars recently, because it shows just this, that the purpose of space exploration isn't gaining knowledge, answering questions, but (relatively) short-term practical uses and benefits. And we see what that mindset did to Earth.
That mindset mainly did that to earth because people/companies took it way too far. If balanced properly it likely would never have gotten as bad as it has(re: pollution/etc) on earth.

Also: imo, setting out into space should be two explore and try to answer some of humanity's biggest questions, and also to gather resources/expand into said expanse.

Cavalary: On topic though, this is a game, and interesting enough as a concept. And the focus allows it to be serious and accurate, as one about space missions in general (KSP?) couldn't be. No idea whether it actually is, of course.
Yeah, it looks like it might be promising....also going to keep an eye on it myself.
Post edited February 18, 2021 by GamezRanker