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Crime for some fun.

Mafia II and Mafia III are now available, DRM-Free on Each of the three Mafia games is 50% off individually or 66% off if you purchase them all together (the Family special, if you will). Offer lasts until April 05, 6pm UTC.

Mafia II tells the highly cinematic story of Vito and Joe, two Empire Bay friends in the 50s, who start out thick as thieves. Also extortionists. Sometimes assassins. All around wise guys. As their status inside the family grows, so will their troubles, requiring them to shoot, race, punch, or simply outlast everything the criminal life throws at them.

Mafia III introduces Lincoln, a hardened Vietnam veteran who thinks he's earned himself a fresh start, away from his criminal past. But life has other plans and those include betrayal, fierce gunfights, and brutal action, as he's forced to carve himself a path to the top of organized crime through the sweaty, treacherous swamplands of New Bordeaux.
Boost his firepower and expand upon his dramatic story with the DLC packs Sign of the Times, Stones Unturned, Faster, Baby!, and Family Kick Back Pack.
Or simply go for the Deluxe Edition, which includes the whole lot of them.

For a more comprehensive view of all the Mafia games and DLC, drive yourself over here.
tinyE: I forgot how frustrating some of these games can be. :P

First time in ten years playing #1 and the first mission kicked my ass.
First game is great, but I do remember struggling with the first mission, until I learned through trial and error where to run, skipping this way and that trying to dodge stray metal =)

Excellent that both follow-up games are here too, although at the time Mafia 2 was pretty underwhelming compared to the first one, and apparently the third is poor compared to the 2nd as well. Usually how it goes with gaming series :(
Digital_CHE: Are you telling me that ALL 50's radio SONGS of MAFIA 2 were DELETED?
nope, it is by far not all. from the look of the file system, it should be about 10-15%
mafia 4 soon in gog? ^^
LOL and I am right now playing Deus Ex... The music and action sounds very familiar indeed.
Unfortunately, anything above 15 Dollars is too much for Mafia 3. The gameplay variety is severely lacking for a modern open world game, it looks and feels dated and it runs like shit even on my overclocked Skylake i5. Constant CPU limit when driving, it's no fun.
high rated
viranimus: If we can get stuff from 2K now, why cant we get the good stuff from 2k like Duke Nukem Forever?!??!
That's a weird way of misspelling Bioshock...
viranimus: If we can get stuff from 2K now, why cant we get the good stuff from 2k like Duke Nukem Forever?!??!
Randalator: That's a weird way of misspelling Bioshock...
*chuckles* Points!
Post edited March 31, 2018 by finkleroy
high rated
Andrey82: Got Mafia 2 and 3 in Delux version. :)

Actually, there was some news that Assassin's Creed 2 and 3 coming to GOG. And Far Cry 3 Classic Edition is released this summer. So, there is still a chance... A good chance, especially if Assassin's Creed games will arrive to GOG. :)
takezodunmer2005: YES! I'm more excited that gog is slowly becoming viable for AAA companies than anything else! My pipe-dream is to have gog match steam's releases for both indies and AAA!
Me too! it is always good to have a choice: do you want DRM-free indie games or DRM-free AAA-games? Or both of them? I really like indies like FTL, but I also like AAA-games too and is it good that GOG have both of this types. :)
takezodunmer2005: YES! I'm more excited that gog is slowly becoming viable for AAA companies than anything else! My pipe-dream is to have gog match steam's releases for both indies and AAA!
Andrey82: Me too! it is always good to have a choice: do you want DRM-free indie games or DRM-free AAA-games? Or both of them? I really like indies like FTL, but I also like AAA-games too and is it good that GOG have both of this types. :)
I completely agree with this statement. I love both indies and AAA games and everything in-between. Having said that, I'm actually quite particular about what games I like and don't like, but that mostly results in donations to the giveaways, so all is good. :)
Post edited April 01, 2018 by finkleroy
tinyE: Just finished GTA, this is perfect. I think I'll skip #3 for now and just grab 1 and 2.

I'll need help from some of you during the Race in #1 because it's been several years since I played it.

And M3 = 50Gb!!!!
.Ra: the installer itself should be small right? how much?
~47 GB
EndlessKnight: ...Still, it's their right to make that choice and inform the company of the reason they choose not to purchase the games, even if we don't agree with said decision. Feedback about why people choose not to purchase a product is useful to companies.

I grew up playing games decades before achievements and do not need them, but they are not being forced on anyone, so I don't see where the problem is. Unlike many services, with GOG they are an optional toggle for an optional client. These people have the right to ask a company why they do not include a now standard feature, when they do for other services. I would rather skip past comments that appear tiresome to me (covering my ears), than cover people's mouths with "tape", just because an optional feature is not my taste.
MadalinStroe: I don't know where you are getting all this from. Nobody said that they should be silenced, and I doubt anybody would say that, let alone expect action to be taken in such a direction.

The product on GOG has always been identical to the one on STEAM. Achievements on STEAM/GOG, unless they are unlockable and displayed on a panel ingame, are a completely detached and exterior part of the game, tied to the client being used, and as such are not part of the actual product. Calling games on GOG inferior because they lack the achievements the STEAM client adds is incorrect.
It is shameful that they do not add achievements to the version of gog when the steam version does. But I do not understand players who do not buy a game in gog because the game has no added achievements as in steam.

Gog guys should talk to developers about adding achievements, cloud save (not all games have added cloud save), and also the support that some developers do not give their gog games but steam
loki1985: already wrote to support, hope they manage to fix it before the discount expires. and hope they dont get hung up on the fact i already downloaded it, technicality and all.
I've wrote about the same issue a few hours ago and got a response in 2 minutes after sending the ticket. The refund - repurchase process has taken 8 minutes thanks to support being really fast.
Olauron: I've wrote about the same issue a few hours ago and got a response in 2 minutes after sending the ticket. The refund - repurchase process has taken 8 minutes thanks to support being really fast.
yeah, mine went through in less than an hour, but only because i did not check my emails, otherwise it would have been much faster.
can't hardly wait
boztix: It is shameful that they do not add achievements to the version of gog when the steam version does. But I do not understand players who do not buy a game in gog because the game has no added achievements as in steam.
So you changed your mind?