nightcraw1er.488: An ok release. I played the game some years back, found it to be too much driving back and forth for my liking.
ShadowAngel.207: That's not even the biggest problem with the game. Atrocious AI that just flat out sucks and everything is so heavily scripted that it comes across like a bad joke. I remember a mission where you had to stop a truck driver, shoot and kill him. If you miss, he would speed off but since his driving route was scripted, he basically just drove around the block and came right back to the same location, so instead of chasing him, just wait and kill him. Absolutely pathetic since even the GTA games weren't that insanely scripted.
Add to that a rather mediocre "by the numbers and all cliches" story, shoddy voice acting in most parts and horrible driving controls (There's a reason back then everybody complained about the race).
It makes me wonder why people always act as if this was a good game. It wasn't and now on top of everything it also aged very badly. Nostalgia can only get you so much before you see all the massive flaws in this completely overrated piece of shit.
THIS. Mafia 1 is by far the worst game in the series. The heavy story focus and "cinematic" sensibilities were surprising in 2002, but precisely nothing about the game is good and in 2017 this is not an engaging experience. Mind you, I've probably put in over 100 hours back in 2002-2003, I used to like this game. To be completely honest though, it's not good or ingenious. The game tries very hard to re-enact scenes you recognize from mafia films. All the characters are archetypes you recognize from the movies. This was a novel idea back then, but gaming as a medium has grown out of it's ambition to copy Hollywood. It is not a good story, and it mostly exists as an excuse for the player to shoot or drive his way through cliche movie scenes.
Mechanically, the game is largely built around wonky gunfights with very resilient enemies. The shooting is unremarkable and once you get into bigger fights it becomes a slog. 2/3rds of most missions you're just driving across town towards the next gun fight, but unlike the GTA games you have to go under the speed limit, stay in your lane and respect red lights. That's right. Most of the time spent with this game you're commuting, slowly, in cars that don't handle well at speed anyhow.
People crying about the loss of licensed period music is funny. Does anyone really want to drive for about 10-20 hours with low fidelity, grating 20's and 30's music? It isn't good music. It is diagetic, it isn't really part of the mood or the story. The incidental score that plays in cutscenes and action sequences, which was written for the game, appears to still be intact. That's what's important. That's what builds mood. Who cares that the car radio isn't repeating mind-numbing Big Band boop-boop-boop-boop-blurdy-blirdie-blurb-bloop-boop-boop-boop for hours on end? Why yes, while waiting at a stop light for the 30th time in a play session I certainly want to hear slow optimistic strings and horns. That's the 30's feel, right? That's why I should play the game, right?