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Immerse yourself in a land of mysticism and martial arts!
Genre: Action, RPG
Discount: 10% off until 16th April 2022, 4 AM UTC
low rated
Trooper1270: Every time I read the title of this game, I'm almost convinced that it's a euphemism, considering the type of game it is...
Ha, like that old song, "Everybody Was Kung Fu..."
low rated
By Odin guys, this is like a neverending Carousel.
Grimlord, leave the better than thou and prude people to their devices.
Kagura obviously decided GoG is good enough for their effort, that is good enough for me.
Post edited April 13, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
rjbuffchix: This gets the discussion (lol, what there is of one) nowhere because it could easily be said that you and richland are just astroturfing porn critics. You in particular are in every one of these topics; seriously, I don't think you have missed a single one! Imo you should take up grimlord when he asked if you want him to buy you the game. If you're this interested, then you could hopefully play it for yourself, with an open mind of course. As for richland, he must have edited an earlier post but I swore I read something in here about porn having negative "spiritual" effects, as reading that made me feel instant disgust due to past experiences...imagine that, people exist who have been harmed by religion and don't view it as the comfort that others do (if I indeed recalled that part of his comment correctly, kudos to him for at least editing this part out). Somehow that harm never counts for the anti-porn types. It's inconceivable to you guys that people could get more benefit out of something like porn than out of religion/cultural traditions, and amidst the "addiction r bad" rhetoric it always goes unsaid that life is just a series of addictions to fill needs that can never be permanently quenched. Hope none of you are breeding more addicts into this world :)
bombardier: You are not very observant.
I am just a reaction to incessant ramblings of grimlord. Once he stops pushing his porn and rape agenda I will also stop.
If I keep quiet this guy will continue to spew his verbal vomit about how rape is therapeutic for females and porn developers should be awarded Game Critics Awards for their amazing work on their cookie cutter masturbatory aids.
That is a a first chapter from the playbook. Keep spewing your propaganda and people will start to accept this nonsense as new normal. I am just here keeping things in balance.

Make him shut up and you will stop getting these types of threads.
I don't have a porn and rape agenda, you *censored*. Adult games are nothing new. This content is nothing new. It has existed since the 80's, especially in Japan. You have a problem, you take it up with them and Kagura. Go email Kagura or other adult publishers and tell them how much you hate them and feel they're the scum of society. See how far you get.

But yes, I am done with you. Instead of accusing me of pushing some "agenda" why don't you talk to the publishers and GOG about it. Ever thought of that instead of complaining in the forums and calling us all degenerates?

Censored by sysia_gog. Please, do not offend other users!
Post edited April 13, 2022 by sysia_GOG
Post edited April 13, 2022 by Reaper9988