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Dive into a fascinating interactive trilogy from Sam Barlow, creator of Her Story.
Genre: Adventure, Simulation
Discount: 10% off until 6th September 2022, 4 PM UTC

Enjoy more GOGalicious deals on unforgettable titles during The GOG Sale that will last until 5th September 2022, 10 PM UTC.
This has been released to really great reviews on Metacritic. It does look interesting.
I love fmv, but after the shit they pulled with telling lies, I'm never giving these lazy hacks a single cent. luckily I only bought her story from them and it was heavily discounted.

in case you're wondering, video controls in lies are deliberately shit (check out all the reviews mentioning it and a bunch of forum threads calling barlow out on disrespecting players, with no reply of course). somebody posted a mod to make the game somewhat enjoyable, but the game was never patched to incorporate feedback. not to mention it's $5 on mobile and 20 on pc at full price for the same thing. her story is way overrated anyway, and of course based on that everything barlow does will be overhyped as well, so I'm sure he'll make a killing with this as well, while more deserving fmv devs remain unknown.
Since you're adding more FMV games to the store, I'd love it if you'd bring over The Bunker as well.
Dohi64: in case you're wondering, video controls in lies are deliberately shit (check out all the reviews mentioning it and a bunch of forum threads calling barlow out on disrespecting players, with no reply of course). somebody posted a mod to make the game somewhat enjoyable, but the game was never patched to incorporate feedback. not to mention it's $5 on mobile and 20 on pc at full price for the same thing. her story is way overrated anyway, and of course based on that everything barlow does will be overhyped as well, so I'm sure he'll make a killing with this as well, while more deserving fmv devs remain unknown.
Regarding "telling lies" - I loved the game and yes. I too did not find it much fun to not be able to skip to the start of end of a certain viodeoclip ... which is the reason why I ported the Steam version of the mod you mentioned to work with the GOG version and posted it in the GOG game forum. However I never thought the game would be unplayable and Barlow said in interviews and that it was an intended artistic choice. We all can have the opinion that it was a wrong choice but we also should respect the vision of an artist (which Barlow and his way of story telling is much more than he is a game developer imo). The pricing on mobile/pc for telling lies of course is another story but question remains here for me if PC and mobile game are really identical and if they are did they had those prices at the same time? That I simply don't know.

IN any way for me this is an instabuy. I said it above, I enjoy Barlows creative way of storytelling far too much to miss out here.
Post edited August 30, 2022 by MarkoH01
Sounds intriguing. I would never expect to see The Monk being core element of video game in any form.

Although like with previous titles from this developer I probably won't play it because they don't support linux and both games are very problematic to run (unless this one will be exception).
The second game inside a week where there's a Mac version on GOG but not Steam. This is rather odd; it's usually the other way around. The Mac system requirements are rather...sparse, though. (And does it really require Monterey? Why?)
I loved Her Story, and this looks interesting enough for me to warrant an instabuy!

I have not played Telling Lies though yet. It seems I completely missed that this tilte was released. I will probably check that out too in the future.
Please add the FMV tag to this game.
Dohi64: in case you're wondering, video controls in lies are deliberately shit (check out all the reviews mentioning it and a bunch of forum threads calling barlow out on disrespecting players, with no reply of course). somebody posted a mod to make the game somewhat enjoyable, but the game was never patched to incorporate feedback. not to mention it's $5 on mobile and 20 on pc at full price for the same thing. her story is way overrated anyway, and of course based on that everything barlow does will be overhyped as well, so I'm sure he'll make a killing with this as well, while more deserving fmv devs remain unknown.
MarkoH01: Regarding "telling lies" - I loved the game and yes. I too did not find it much fun to not be able to skip to the start of end of a certain viodeoclip ... which is the reason why I ported the Steam version of the mod you mentioned to work with the GOG version and posted it in the GOG game forum. However I never thought the game would be unplayable and Barlow said in interviews and that it was an intended artistic choice. We all can have the opinion that it was a wrong choice but we also should respect the vision of an artist (which Barlow and his way of story telling is much more than he is a game developer imo). The pricing on mobile/pc for telling lies of course is another story but question remains here for me if PC and mobile game are really identical and if they are did they had those prices at the same time? That I simply don't know.

IN any way for me this is an instabuy. I said it above, I enjoy Barlows creative way of storytelling far too much to miss out here.
Thanks for the information.
While I own "Her Story", I have never played it, or any of the other games mentioned in this thread, however they have always intrigued me to no end. In fact, I think I installed Her Story when it came out, but had trouble figuring out what I should be doing, or how to play it, so I gave up without really giving it much of a chance. I should probably try again.

If you can at some point, I would love to read a review from you on "Immortality", as once again, I am greatly intrigued by the concept. I'm just a bit unsure that I'd be able to play it, as I'm fairly old (62), and some of these newer gaming concepts seem to elude me on some basic level. This really does seem like something I would like though.
I love how proud Barlow is to put the Silent Hill: Shattered Memories credit on his CV, then proceeds to make games nothing like it on his own without Konami and pre-established IP backing it. Shattered memories was going to succeed regardless of the director. He was lucky to be chosen.
Short feedback: The game is extremely similar to telling lies and once again you are trying to uncover as many movie clips as possible by getting connections between cerrtain clips. The clips unfortunately aren't smooth (no way that these are even 24fps), you might get some screen tearing and the volume - even turned to max is BY FAR too low. This is a game about movie scenes and I'd like to hear the movies as well ... so once again interesting concept but I really hope for patches that will improve the game ....
Post edited September 01, 2022 by MarkoH01
Dohi64: in case you're wondering, video controls in lies are deliberately shit
Just fyi: in this game they added at least skip to start/end functions ...
I now figured out that the game does need quite some frames to look acceptable. I always limit my games to 60fps to prevent my card getting too hot and of course with this being a game with movies mostly I thought that since those only would need up to 30fps limiting this to 60fps would not cause any trouble. Experimenting with the driver settings however It turns out that for this game it is much better to limit frames at about 80-90 fps and turn vsync on. Now it runs good ... not great but good enough to enjoy it.

Edit: Addition - to get the game quite smooth, try to set refresh rate to 75Hz if you have a high refresh monitor.

I still hope that this problem will be adressed in a future update.

Btw: In opposite to what it says on the gamecard, this dies not require a controller AT ALL ... you can play perfectly with just mouse or even just keyboard.
Post edited September 03, 2022 by MarkoH01
Damn, AdventureGamers are slow to review it. Such games are so hit-and-miss, I don't really want to cough the dough blindly...