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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
low rated
Yeshu: I would like to point out that GOG staff are not glued 24/7 like most forum users and a 3 work days to respond is a reasonable time to give an answer(if you worked at an office you could even consider it as a rather fast response).
Bruh, the blues replying to this thread are forum staff......keeping tabs on the forums is literally one of their jobs.
(yeah, they have other jobs to do and each of them individually isn't at work 24/7, but one of them is here most times of the day)
Post edited September 26, 2021 by GamezRanker
high rated
Time4Tea: Because it isn't just about this one game, it is about the precedent. This is the logical flaw many people seem to be making. If GOG can get away with pushing the boundaries of 'DRM-free' with this game, then it will open the door to many more similar examples, which combined, may add up to a sizeable amount of revenue for GOG.
thuey: Right but that's also my underlying point.

If GOG thinks its better off being a store with DRM included... then LOOOOOOOL.

1. They are way behind the curve, and all the biggest sales have gone to the other stores who have allowed DRM this entire time
2. Since GOG is curated, they will always have fewer purchasing options than Steam. [Why would you want a Steam-like that has 1% of the games available for sale?]
3. Consumers would prefer their games in one place - and that one place is Steam. That will not change.
4. The only niche that GOG occupies is the DRM-free one, so by being DRM-friendly - they've lost whatever customer base they have.

TLDR: If GOG wants to become Steam, they've already lost.
Well said.
I have 5 times more games here than on Steam and I already had like 300 games on Steam when I opened my GOG account. DRM-Free brought me here, kept me here.
If they go with DRM, why the frak would I stay here? I will just buy games from Steam who at least don't change the core of what they are every couple of years. And for the most time they don't lie their asses off.

As this is going, I really actually trust Steam more.
low rated
Red Fury: Somebody probably already made the connection, but 59 pages to check for duplicates are a bit tto much. XD
Here ya go :)


samuraigaiden: Here in Brazil we have popular saying, "quem não chora, não mama", which means "those who don't cry don't get breast fed".

Brazil has some weird sayings.
One of ours is "squeaky wheel gets the grease"
(nvm, Catte already beat me to it :))


Krogan32: Vocal minority =/= "90% of the people angry".
That's because many are either too content with their bread and circus, or too loyal to GOG/too apathetic to care.


lostwolfe: they have to.

but they could have disabled all the links to the game, etc.
Post edited September 26, 2021 by GamezRanker
Well that is interesting. This is truly a bizarre situation all-around. I mean, it's not like we're getting all of the new Hitman games dropping here at once, which would probably suffocate the complaints overtime, but because we're essentially buying DLC for the second Hitman game in IO's recent trilogy there's a justifiable hyper-focus on things.
high rated
Sometimes I wonder wether valve managed to release a "mole" inside GOG's management, like Microsoft did with Nokia in 2010 :|
high rated
Krogan32: Vocal minority =/= "90% of the people angry".
Meanwhile back in the real world, observable reality is what it is:-

Most Helpful Review : "This game has online DRM. You can play though the game with the basic options, but many features, such as unlocking weapons, items, outfits, starting locations and more are locked behind an online requirement."

Feedback : 1202 of 1259 users found this helpful

Since when is 95% a "minority"? If the figures were flipped and only 57 out of 1259 people found reviews alerting them to DRM useful, then the same 5 or 6 trolls here who spend all day every day attacking other people for having valid complaints and still trying to shovel the same worn out debunked false narrative that "only like 20 GOG forum regulars care about DRM, no one else on the planet does", you might actually have a point. At this stage though, you guys have basically turned into trolls in extreme denial on the subject.
Post edited September 26, 2021 by BrianSim
samuraigaiden: Here in Brazil we have popular saying, "quem não chora, não mama", which means "those who don't cry don't get breast fed".

Brazil has some weird sayings.
my name is supyreor catte: There are a few English equivalents which are pretty weird too. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." is the first to spring to mind.
The one you mention is not wierd as it makes sense given when wheels was squeaky in the past grease was usually the fix from there would be a lack of grease in the part of the wheel that allowed it to move
high rated
thuey: Right but that's also my underlying point.

If GOG thinks its better off being a store with DRM included... then LOOOOOOOL.

1. They are way behind the curve, and all the biggest sales have gone to the other stores who have allowed DRM this entire time
2. Since GOG is curated, they will always have fewer purchasing options than Steam. [Why would you want a Steam-like that has 1% of the games available for sale?]
3. Consumers would prefer their games in one place - and that one place is Steam. That will not change.
4. The only niche that GOG occupies is the DRM-free one, so by being DRM-friendly - they've lost whatever customer base they have.

TLDR: If GOG wants to become Steam, they've already lost.
I agree with all of your points here. DRM-free is GOG's chosen niche - that is what they have. It is all they are going to have. If they abandon that, they will have nothing. Zip. NADA. They will no longer have a reason to exist and I suspect their slope downwards towards the cliff edge will only steepen.

GOG's managers have been living in fantasy land for too long and they need a serious wake-up call.
German Gamestar article:,3373768.html
high rated
Time4Tea: I agree with all of your points here. DRM-free is GOG's chosen niche - that is what they have. It is all they are going to have. If they abandon that, they will have nothing. Zip. NADA. They will no longer have a reason to exist and I suspect their slope downwards towards the cliff edge will only steepen.

GOG's managers have been living in fantasy land for too long and they need a serious wake-up call.
Exactly why I choose to protest by buying on other storefronts. If GOG wants to sell DRM, I may as well buy my DRM on a superior store. The ONLY reason to shop in this inferior, buggy, out-of-date store is DRM free games.
high rated
Having looked at the Hitman GOTY trailer on the GOG YouTube Channel I can see that the comments section has been disabled, See here

Yet all other videos have there comments enabled which you can pick from here

This really doesn't put GOG in a better light!
low rated
The problem is that more and more AA or AAA solo players are using game service functions.

And publishers are notorious for not offering a corrective patch later to offer a full offline option. At best they maintain their servers or at worst they close everything and the game ends up with almost nothing.

And in the future I wouldn't be surprised if all AA and AAA games will have a game service system.

In the end, only the indies will remain gog. Apart from the peculiarity of gog in addition to games without drm it is proposed big games. Except if he only offers indies his certainly does not interest me with a lot of people because there are stores for his like itch. If I wanted indies I would go there.
Post edited September 26, 2021 by Lukin86
high rated
I think this is going to have an effect on other games whose Gog pages have anything ambiguous on them. If I'm wondering about buying a game, but there's something unclear about it working offline, then my response now is going to be to see if it's already been asked in the forums, and if it hasn't to post a question myself. That's a major speed-bump in the purchasing process.

Take "Victor Vran", which is currently on sale at a price cheap enough for an impulse purchase. A bit of research suggests that everything does work offline, but by the time I felt happy with that I'd already noticed that it has some long-standing bugs, and also that all the screenshots show a lack of variety in enemies. The speed-bump lost them the sale, because after doing the research and checking out a Let's Play, I'm no longer interested in playing it myself.
I think this issue is causing the most ruckus out of anything I've seen since joining and being active.
GOG topics are usually low key on reddit, but the pcgaming sub has a couple of posts about Hitman with pretty large amounts of views/upvotes.

Certainly a really useless post, but it's kind of interesting.
low rated
karnak1: Sometimes I wonder wether valve managed to release a "mole" inside GOG's management, like Microsoft did with Nokia in 2010 :|
I wonder........