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In which the story truly begins.

<span class="bold">Dreamfall Chapters - Book 2: Rebels</span>, the second of five Dreamfall chapters, is available now, DRM-free on!

The second book of <span class="bold">Dreamfall Chapters</span> is finally released! If you were one of the lucky ones who picked up the game during our Insomnia promo, how's that for a cherry on top?
Dreamfall is a story of magic vs. science, dreams and reality, choices and consequences. The tale of a world where broken heroes shape history - it's a journey through the murky streets of a dystopian future, the magical landscapes of a fantasy world, and a mysterious land of dreams that lies vaguely in between. The sequel to award-winning Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (and long awaited conclusion to The Longest Journey saga) finally continues in Book 2: Rebels. This, however, is still just the beginning... <span class="bold">Dreamfall Chapters</span> is a five part series - getting the game now will grant you access to all future episodes as soon as they become available.

The Special Edition comes packed with some amazing bonus content, such as an digital art-book, a FLAC soundtrack, or short stories. If you're not ready to commit just yet, you can pick up the upgrade later on.

Continue the story of <span class="bold">Dreamfall Chapters</span> with Book 2: Rebels, available now DRM-free on
Well I found book 2 to be both longer and equally enjoyable as the first book.
Post edited March 13, 2015 by elendiel7
Much as I want to play this game, the Decision to release it in Chapters, was a terrible idea and a trend in gaming I can't support, I know the games laid out in chapters but that's no reason to release it in chapters at all.

AS a Backer of this game I'd have been quite happy to wait for the completed game and will personally do that anyway.
So why do I care?
Well, it lessens the potential impact of the game to play it in multiple sections months apart, plus things like optimization need only be done once, if the Chapters don't get optimized which some posts suggest is the case, yet again the game suffers.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 is also Chapters and that doesn't even have the "still in devevelopment" excuse. That's just a sell each chapter separate cash grab, Dreamfall Chapters, at least, is sold as a complete Game, you can't buy the separate chapters.

Star Citizen's Modular release isn't the same as it isn't actually a released Game like DC, the SC modules are divided on Game Mechanics aspects and Alpha/ Beta releases to backers only.
The single player game Module, "Squanron 42" is being released in parts of at least 2, but again as Alpha/ Beta releases to backers only.
Though I won't play that until S42 IS complete either, as a backer I can choose to help and give feedback and bug reports, that's a lot different than Dreamfall Chapters, which is sold as a full released game, not even Early Access on Steam, which notified me of the update to my Hidden Steam version (Got free when the GOG release was delayed), so Steam has a use in updating my GOG game
Weeeell, don't I look stupid now. Since the whole stuttering frame rate was irritating me from the little I played last night I went on another Google hunt and lo and behold I have a smoothly running game now in Marcuria and even in a previous load of Europolis with all settings maxed out. I mean, WTF?!?

Apparently, I should have heeded this FAQ before from the official forum:

Q: The game runs at a low framerate generally, and is using a low amount of CPU processing (10%-15% CPU usage). What can be done to fix this?

A: Some computers, especially laptops, have options in place to control the power consumption of the system, limiting performance heavy applications and functionality. Windows, for instance, has three power options by default: Balanced, Power Saver and High Performance. These settings can be found in your Control Panel, in the Power Options section.

If the game is running slow for you, please make sure you are either running the Balanced- or High Performance power option. The Power Saver option severely affects the amount of resourcesthe game can take use of. However, we do recommend using the highest performance option possible on your system to get the best experience.

The game should be able to utilize the CPU as much as possible, as most rendering calls/draw calls in the game are issued by the CPU. The game should be able to run using ~50% of your computer's CPU in the heaviest areas.
That really did my peformance in. I'm usually using the 'power saving' mode on my lappie and haven't had any issue with any game other than this one. As soon as I set the system on high performance though all the problems went away though. Balanced mode seems to work similarly well. Just goes to show how ignorant I can be about some tech issues like this. Wow.

On top of that, Train Fever seems to run a bit snappier now as well, too. Shit... I don't suppose Witcher 2 would have run quite well too in those very few instance of slowdown I had. *facepalm at self*

All's well that ends well though, so I'm happy I finally figured this out for myself, which in turn is likely to improve performance of other more resource-heavy games. I shall call this a learning experience then. :)
Post edited March 13, 2015 by mistermumbles
fixitman: I bought Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass-Special Edition because I thought "Season Pass" meant all future chapters were included at no additional cost. Now I see that this chapter 1 season pass is an additional purchase that apparently includes all future chapters. What was the deal with the first season pass, if it didn't actually include anything else?

is the standard version of the game and includes all chapters.


upgrades the standard edition to the special edition.


includes all chapters and the special edition content.

HOWEVER, this game isn't bundled properly in the catalog.

If you buy the special edition, the standard edition and the upgrade remain listed as unowned (and available for purchase despite already having access to all content).

If you buy the standard edition and the upgrade, the special edition remains listed as unowned (and available for purchase despite already having access to all content).

In other words, the special edition is NOT properly configured as a bundle of the standard edition and upgrade but instead as a separate product.

There is a similar problem with games that ARE configured properly as bundles (in those cases, buying the bundle product DOES mark the individual components as owned, but buying all of the individual components does NOT mark the bundle as owned; see Omerta for example).

tl;dr: GOG handles bundles poorly. This has been a known issue for a long time, but GOG hasn't fixed it.
Thank you. I actually came to the forums to get this exact answer.
Post edited March 13, 2015 by bunnykins2
Just a note: Chapters is not the conclusion to The Longest Journey saga. It's part 2 of part 2, according to the makers.
To clarify, part one is "The Longer Journey" from 1999. Part 2 is *both* Dreamfall and Dreamfall Chapters, and part 3 (and the conclusion) will be "The Longest Journey Home", if and when that is made.
UhuruNUru: Much as I want to play this game, the Decision to release it in Chapters, was a terrible idea and a trend in gaming I can't support, I know the games laid out in chapters but that's no reason to release it in chapters at all.
Funding the development is a pretty good reason.
this is one of the best mac game.
The only drawback is having to wait months to be able to continue the story.
UhuruNUru: Much as I want to play this game, the Decision to release it in Chapters, was a terrible idea and a trend in gaming I can't support, I know the games laid out in chapters but that's no reason to release it in chapters at all.
realkman666: Funding the development is a pretty good reason.
How does releasing in parts fund the developement, when you buy the entire thing in one go both like I did as a backer and if you buy the game post release, they had a crowdfunding effort to fund the developement and chose Kickstarter to do so, not the best choice to be honest.
Kickstarter is actually about the worst way to crowdfund a game, due to it's all or nothing in a month approach.

Star Citezen's model is the better way, continuous funding with an open develoipement model, I'm aware they had a Kickstarter as well but they had no need to rely on it at all, it maty have brought in a little more due to the Kickstarter madness craze then in full swing, SC had already raised $2 Million before the kickstarter, $4 Million during, say half due to kickstarter craze, $70 Million after, all due to the open developement process, keeping people informed about the progress.

SC is currently unique and those numbers may never be matched, but the method of continuous fund raising and open developement to produce a well funded and backer supported project is sound and proven.
Regardless of the quality of Star Citizen when finished, they've proven the funding model workks, by targetting a game genre or even an abandoned game franchise, long neglected and ignored by all publishers. Known developers can find enough likeminded fans to back a project and support the developement.

I recently saw the Inside gaming/Funhaus Team taking the mickey out of one of their own for "Buying a $300+ Ship",
With 800,000 backers the current $75 Million averages at $90 each and with Many Guilds "Buying Collectively as well".
Thing is they really don't understand crowdfunding at all if they think I've bought a ship in a non existant game.
I have invested money I can afford to lose in a project I believe in, when that project is successful it will provide me with the most valuable "profit" I want from it. A great game to provide me with many hours of 1st class fun.
If any project I back fails, so be it, investment means taking a risk for potential profit.

So far every project I've invested in has given me much more back than what I risked, a bit of spare cash.
I fully expect Dreamfall Chapters will eventually.
The developement model they've used and the assertion by Red Threads Founder and Lead Developer Ragnar Tørnquist, that he wouldn't use crowdfunding again, suggests to me that the methods Red Thread used is at fault rather than crowdfunding itself.
They set to low a Kickstarter target, which is the major flaw in the Kickstarter system, then chose the industry standard closed development model, which didn't enthuse the community or raise any awareness at all after that first month.
Finally leading to the funding shortfall and releasing in parts to raise more funds. Losing the impact of a complete game. They can be forgiven the mistakes this time but need the games fans to fund the final part, if they want to make the game they choose, not what a publisher decides they should do.
Crowdfunding must be combined with open developement to keep the backers enthused and attract more backers. Ignoring kickstarter totally, it cans more good ideas every month than make it, those that suceed usually do so with severely limited funds, now the craze is over. They then make compromises or worse still end up owned by a publisher and/or just faIl.
How do I play Chapters Book 2?

I have purchased the Season Pass when it first came out. Played through Book 1, but can't figure out how to download Book 2 ? Help?
low rated
LittleZeasel: How do I play Chapters Book 2?

I have purchased the Season Pass when it first came out. Played through Book 1, but can't figure out how to download Book 2 ? Help?
When Book 2 came out, GOG chose to substitute the old files for a completely new installer (including Book 2). That means you'll have to download the entire game again, then reinstall, keeping the savegames intact.

If you still have problems getting into Book 2, load the last one of your saves (hello baby Saga!) and play from there. Upon finishing, you should get the new menu screen and be able to start Book 2.
Post edited May 08, 2015 by Vainamoinen
LittleZeasel: How do I play Chapters Book 2?

I have purchased the Season Pass when it first came out. Played through Book 1, but can't figure out how to download Book 2 ? Help?
Vainamoinen: GOG has chosen to substitute the old files for a completely new installer. That means you'll have to download the entire game again, then reinstall, keeping the savegames intact.

If you still have problems getting into Book 2, load the last one of your saves (hello baby Saga!) and play from there. Upon finishing, you should get the new menu screen and be able to start Book 2.
Awesome! Thank you so much! That helps a ton! :)
Would love to play this game, really enjoyed 'the longest journey', just wish it was a bit cheaper, or GOG sold each episode individually.
Post edited May 08, 2015 by Cavenagh
low rated
Cavenagh: Would love to play this game, really enjoyed 'the longest journey', just wish it was a bit cheaper, or GOG sold each episode individually.
The game is sold as a 'season pass' by design. Essentially, RTG funds the ongoing development with the money, so they didn't give you the option to buy episodes individually. GOG can't, because RTG doesn't offer it. They've said that they're all set to finish Chapters by now, but I guess we're rather seeing some temporary price drops than individual episodes sales. It would probably be quite the effort if they, right now, tried to split the game into installers for episode one plus ep2 DLC + ep3 DLC... simplicity might be the key here.

There have been sales before, but I guess you should rather expect the next one around the time a new episode surfaces - June, maybe August.

However, Chapters is well worth the present price tag! ;)
Post edited May 08, 2015 by Vainamoinen
No Problems with the price myself as a backer, I do have issues with the releasing in chapters format, partly because as said above you can't buy it in chapters, down to Red Thread that not GOG's fault.
Mainly though because it makes no business sense at all, it reduces the impact and enthusiasm for any game that uses this method, Tell Tale made it appear to work for them at first, but they got lucky that there game became "Fashionable" from the first part.
In most cases and even for Tell Tale, the impact of waiting for each part to release, diminishes the Games overall impact when finally finished.
There was no actual reason for this game to be released in sections, the decision was made before the crowdfunding was started.
It has been detrimental to this games legacy and even some backers, like myself refuse to play it until it's finished.
Worse for any Dreamfall Hype, we totally ignore this unfinished game now, due to potential spoilers.
Until part 5 is done it's a nonexistant and neglected game, when it should be a much anticipated future release.

Witcher 3 I'm looking forward too playing, next week.
This should be like that, not ignored until some random future date.
low rated
UhuruNUru: No Problems with the price myself as a backer, I do have issues with the releasing in chapters format, partly because as said above you can't buy it in chapters, down to Red Thread that not GOG's fault.
Mainly though because it makes no business sense at all, it reduces the impact and enthusiasm for any game that uses this method, Tell Tale made it appear to work for them at first, but they got lucky that there game became "Fashionable" from the first part.
In most cases and even for Tell Tale, the impact of waiting for each part to release, diminishes the Games overall impact when finally finished.
There was no actual reason for this game to be released in sections, the decision was made before the crowdfunding was started.
It has been detrimental to this games legacy and even some backers, like myself refuse to play it until it's finished.
Worse for any Dreamfall Hype, we totally ignore this unfinished game now, due to potential spoilers.
Until part 5 is done it's a nonexistant and neglected game, when it should be a much anticipated future release.
I don't like episodic games, but (unfortunately?) they absolutely make sense business wise.

Whenever a new episode releases, the game is brought back into the public conscience, adding to sales. News outlets mention the game again, customers comment and discuss. That is the best thing that can happen from a marketing standpoint.

The decision to NOT make this game episodic was proudly stated in the Kickstarter. It was later revoked. RTG said that in an episodic schedule, they could deliver a longer and more complex game. I was sceptical – in the meantime, I've been convinced at least in part.

As to whether Chapters "works" as an episodic game, I'm undecided. It really is a complex story, and you're forgetting a lot if you don't play repeatedly. But exactly this isn't really intended by RTG, you're rather supposed to just play through the entire story just once. And that's fundamentally different compared to Telltale's games — you're far more likely to play through those seven to ten hour experiences again than firing up Chapters, which reaches that length in the first two episodes alone.

So... well. Classic "I dunno". ;)