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In which the story truly begins.

<span class="bold">Dreamfall Chapters - Book 2: Rebels</span>, the second of five Dreamfall chapters, is available now, DRM-free on!

The second book of <span class="bold">Dreamfall Chapters</span> is finally released! If you were one of the lucky ones who picked up the game during our Insomnia promo, how's that for a cherry on top?
Dreamfall is a story of magic vs. science, dreams and reality, choices and consequences. The tale of a world where broken heroes shape history - it's a journey through the murky streets of a dystopian future, the magical landscapes of a fantasy world, and a mysterious land of dreams that lies vaguely in between. The sequel to award-winning Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (and long awaited conclusion to The Longest Journey saga) finally continues in Book 2: Rebels. This, however, is still just the beginning... <span class="bold">Dreamfall Chapters</span> is a five part series - getting the game now will grant you access to all future episodes as soon as they become available.

The Special Edition comes packed with some amazing bonus content, such as an digital art-book, a FLAC soundtrack, or short stories. If you're not ready to commit just yet, you can pick up the upgrade later on.

Continue the story of <span class="bold">Dreamfall Chapters</span> with Book 2: Rebels, available now DRM-free on
Does the second episode contain Rhinoceroses in it, or will we have to wait for the third?
Oh wow, didn't know there were 5 chapters.

Anyway, hope you are able to get patches out in a competitive time. I heard lots of people switched over to the Steam version b/c patches were happening much faster there. (which isn't a surprise to me nor affects me, but still)

And here's to hoping we'll get a classic game next week. :)
Downloading now. Crossing fingers for a bit better performance. We shall see.
Still waiting for all episodes, but definitely looks nice (to me).
Just a note, there will be likely next week another little patch coming to fix hopefully just little problems they will find now. Maybe that's relevant for someone with a slow connection and good patience ;-)
do I have to download all the gigs again to play the 2nd book?
Senteria: do I have to download all the gigs again to play the 2nd book?
There is no uprade patch so far, maybe gog is working on it. But right now you need to download the inew installer and have the first chapter completed (second chapter is based on the decisions you made in the first one).
Post edited March 12, 2015 by DukeNukemForever
Dreamfall Chapters is a beautiful game and I love to immerse in the worlds of Arcadia and Stark.
But do I always have to download the whole game for a new book?
Picked it up on the sale that just passed but with these chapter releases I always wait till all of the parts are out before I start playing. cause I hate waiting months for new episodes when I just finished one.

I finished the first 2 games now waiting on this hurry up guys release all the books <3
DreamedArtist: Picked it up on the sale that just passed but with these chapter releases I always wait till all of the parts are out before I start playing. cause I hate waiting months for new episodes when I just finished one.

I finished the first 2 games now waiting on this hurry up guys release all the books <3
The other 3 are planned to release this year.
DreamedArtist: Picked it up on the sale that just passed but with these chapter releases I always wait till all of the parts are out before I start playing. cause I hate waiting months for new episodes when I just finished one.

I finished the first 2 games now waiting on this hurry up guys release all the books <3
Senteria: The other 3 are planned to release this year.
:D ! I hope cause I really want to sink my teeth into this game so bad but again I want to wait and get the full experience in 1 shot.

I cant wait to see how this ends or maybe it continues after chapters :O ! dun dun dunnnnnnn lol
This really does look nice, and I hope people who own it are really enjoying it. But I think I will wait for the complete experience first.
Looks like a great adventure, looking forward to grabbing it eventually.
Ha, I managed to crit this one during the Insomnia sale. Perhaps I'll try it when it's completed, and if/when I get a higher end machine.