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Get ready for this news – because we have a whole bunch of goodness from Slitherine!

Combat Mission Battle for Normandy (-60%) faithfully recreates the experience of tactical land warfare in Western France during World War Two – and it’s now out on GOG!

The game covers the three month period following the Allied D-Day landings, from Operation Overlord in June through the Cobra Breakout in August. The tough fight has become the stuff of legend and Combat Mission's high standards for accuracy and detail means you'll experience the fighting as realistically as can be.

Along with this title, you can also get:
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Battle Pack 1 (-60%)
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Battle Pack 2 (-50%)
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Commonwealth Forces (-60%)
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Market Garden (-60%)
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Vehicle Pack (-60%)
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy Complete (-10%)

But that’s not all! We’re also launching Combat Mission Shock Force 2 (-60%), which will bring you to a hypothetical conflict in Syria between the forces of NATO and the Syrian Army.

Take command of US Stryker Brigade Combat Teams (SBCT) and Heavy Brigade Combat Teams (HBCT) to fight against Syrian Army Infantry, Mechanized and Armored units in an arid setting. Experience the full range of modern threats to conventional military forces, including irregular combat forces, terrorists, spies, suicide bombers, IED's and other deadly tools employed in the asymmetric warfare of the modern day.

And with this game, you can also get:
Combat Mission Shock Force 2 - Marines (-60%)
Combat Mission Shock Force 2 - NATO Forces (-60%)
Combat Mission Shock Force 2 - British Forces (-60%)
Combat Mission Shock Force 2 Complete (-10%)

All discount offers end on September 3rd, 1 PM UTC. Enjoy!
Hope the rest get added too.
I don't think Battle for Normandy has local multiplayer support, but I believe Combat Mission Shock Force 2 does.

However, the lack of support for AMD with up to date drivers gives me pause (and from what I see, that's a problem that is several years old and no fix in sight), especially for the price they are asking (for the game + DLCs).

Even though I've had Nvidia gpus so far, I don't want to get in a situation where I'm reticent to get an AMD gpu in the future because I know some games won't work with it. I don't want to be vendor locked-in like that.

It is a shame, because the game looks really well made and interesting. Maybe with a steeper discount, I'll reconsider.
Post edited August 29, 2024 by Magnitus
So I just heard that in order to play the Battle Pack #2 dlc you must own ALL prior dlc.

Is this true? Can someone confirm?

Naturally, there's nothing that I could find on the Battle Pack #2 page that shows all the prior dlc are required to play.
Magnitus: I don't think Battle for Normandy has local multiplayer support, but I believe Combat Mission Shock Force 2 does.

However, the lack of support for AMD with up to date drivers gives me pause (and from what I see, that's a problem that is several years old and no fix in sight), especially for the price they are asking (for the game + DLCs).

Even though I've had Nvidia gpus so far, I don't want to get in a situation where I'm reticent to get an AMD gpu in the future because I know some games won't work with it. I don't want to be vendor locked-in like that.

It is a shame, because the game looks really well made and interesting. Maybe with a steeper discount, I'll reconsider.
Both games offer:

Automatic PBEM++
Manual PBEM
Real time Internet/LAN
Turn Based Internet/LAN

One thing I have noticed years ago is that if the difficulty selected is "scenario test" the multiplayer options are greyed out

About AMD cards I have played for years with AMD cards and the games work. A different issue is the performance. The games run in a not too modern OpenGL Engine and the performance suffers a bit. Maybe worse in AMD OpenGL, at least in the past, but what I have read overall the Engine performance never was ideal for everybody
Post edited August 30, 2024 by Gudadantza
Oh, and just one final note. Apparently a "Engine 5" upgrade should be on the works this year ( CM2 titles are running under Engine 4.05, right now)

Based on their own words it should be a pure performance kind of patch to deal with the legacy API code the engine is based in.

And some polishing was already made in the past with other upgrades.
So I do not know what to think about performance advances in these titles. For me the games ran the same or very similar in my old laptop and in my more modern one.
Gudadantza: ...
Wow, good to know, thanks :). Don't know why they advertised local multiplayer and LAN for Shock Force 2, but not Battle of Normandy (both on GOG and Steam).

Is the graphics fix planned for Battle of Normandy as well?

Which one would you personally recommend between Shock Force 2 and Battle of Normandy?

EDIT: Ok, I think this video gives a good picture:
Post edited August 30, 2024 by Magnitus
Gudadantza: ...
Magnitus: Wow, good to know, thanks :). Don't know why they advertised local multiplayer and LAN for Shock Force 2, but not Battle of Normandy (both on GOG and Steam).

Is the graphics fix planned for Battle of Normandy as well?

Which one would you personally recommend between Shock Force 2 and Battle of Normandy?

EDIT: Ok, I think this video gives a good picture:
All the games, even those not available on GOG yet use the same engine, when they update the games use to be common for all of them. Same features.

About which game to choose is a matter of preference. Every conflict use to play different

Normandy for those interested in western WWII, France, Holland, Hedgerows etc and Shock Force is an hypothethical conflict based in Syria Modern Times. Middle East scenario, Desert
Post edited August 31, 2024 by Gudadantza