dnovraD: I have to wonder, does Way of the Hunter have a crossover with The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt? Because at 20.5
GigaBytes[!] I have to wonder what all that space is going to.
Well the graphics are pretty sensational from what I have seen of what appears to be a very open world with enough variety. The detail is certainly there on all manner of things, including vehicles etc.
dnovraD: As for meat, I'm looking forward to the day that the meat industry quietly integrates animal-harm free labgrown meat into their processes.
I've tried some meat replacements that weren't too bad, but just not widely available.
Admittedly I am a torn person. I love the taste of meat, if well cooked and not rare, and enjoy very few meals without meat in some form. But intellectually I hate the notion that an animal or creature has to lose its life just so we humans, and even other animals can have a meal or three. And that animal might have been quite young, so not had much of a life. Logically I know it is the way of the world, circle of life and so forth, but there are all sorts of imbalances and it doesn't really make it feel any better. I guess we are superior humans who can think about such things ... superior in some ways anyway.
But on the other hand, I am all for killing some dangerous creatures ... typically the poisonous variety.
I won't go into how I feel about anyone who created such a world ... that's another story about someone I don't believe in anyway.