TheRealBoscoe: I dunno, it's common for games to come out at a discounted price and then go up later. I can kind of believe that a small team maybe overlooked the idea that they should have communicated this. But who really knows?
Anyway, the game has a cool style and looks like it might be fun, so for $4, I'll give it a try. :)
Dohi64: it's not common at all, unless it's early access or chapter 1 only or whatever, but this was released on steam with all the chapters for $10, then they did major sales and retail price reduction (you can check isthereanydeal for price history) before settling on this ridiculous amount for a mobile game, then slapped on an 80% discount to make people think it's the deal of the century (which is working perfectly here by looking at the comments). as I said, it's a good game, but developers like this can fuck off.
This idea that they "jacked up the price so they can stick a fake 80% discount on it which seems to be working here" like it's some kind of pavlovian mind-control psy-op is just ludicrous.
I bought it because it looked interesting enough to blow four bucks on, not because I have zero impulse control and will buy ANYTHING as long as I'm told it's "on sale". That's just an arrogant and condescending thing to even suggest. $4 sounds like a good deal to me. $2 would obviously be better, but Dev's gotta eat. ;P
To be fair, I likely wouldn't pay $20 for ANY point and click game, but I'm a cheap bastard. If they'd released it for that price I would've just put it on my wishlist and waited for a sale like I usually do. I've gotten the majority of my games here for under $10 by waiting for sales. It's pretty easy when they have 3-4 of them a week. lol
Anyway, whatever the true story is, it didn't happen HERE because the listing clearly shows what the price will be when it goes up. If people don't like it, they won't pay it and the price will go down again. I see no reason to take it personally.