BeatriceElysia: Im not sure what kind of strategy I love. I love m2tw because princesses, silly me, and ck2 due to role-playing aspect.
227: Maybe
King Arthur would be to your liking, then? It's turn-based and full of choices for various characters during choose your own adventure text portions, and then the combat is kind of a mini real time strategy thing where you can wipe out parts of the enemy army with lightning bolts.
(It's also apparently really hard, but I've only played it on easy. That's probably the way to go for a first playthrough.)
It's a phenomenal game, I loved every second of it, the mix of turn based strategy, grand real time battles and choose your own adventures quests is just superb. That said, yes, it is difficult as hell - I played on easy, and for the first 2/3 of the game I barely survived by the skin of my teeth, constantly invaded from all sides.
greeklover: And your height is...? I love tall, skinny women, btw.
You're not being creepy at all :D