mechmouse: But A usb power drive might not work, you might need to rig a power pass through to give the drive enough juice.
Though I've still not dusted of my old pi for an experiment I wanted to do.
Also, no network interface, so you'd need a USB hub for a USB NIC.
Thanks for the info. I was also thinking that maybe it can't supply enough power through the USB, so a bigger USB hard drive with its own power might work better. Also I didn't realize it doesn't have network connectivity by default. i guess I was expecting a bit too much for mere $5... ;) EDIT: Ok I see on the store you can get a wifi adapter for it for like £6, and lots of other accessories like small displays for a couple dozen bucks etc. Quite interesting...
Maybe I should rephrase my original question: have any of you Pi owners found real uses for the device? Or is it simply a hobbyist machine, to marvel about its low price and small size?
Interesting concept and all I admit, but I fear I've accumulated so much electronics that I don't really use anymore at my home already... I'm still open to low-power systems that I could dedicate to certain use, so that I don't necessarily have to use a big power hungry gaming PC for simplest task, like the aforementioned automated checking and downloading of my GOG games. Old low-power laptops have so far been pretty good for such use, just install some Linux Mint XFCE on them.
dtgreene: In particular, note that the installers will probably not work, but some DOS games might work if you install them (along with DOSBox or similar) somehow.
My target was not to install/run GOG games on Pi, but to use it a downloader. I currently use a 10 years old cheapo laptop for that purpose (connected a 2TB USB 2.5" hard drive to it) , it is running Linux Mint and I am not installing nor running GOG games on it either. I just download the installers to the external NTFS HDD with it, and use those installers elsewhere.
Looking forward to other usages too, e.g. is that device good for a media player, connected to the HDTV with its HDMI port? Can it possibly even use Netflix?