Posted February 13, 2014

I hope I can fight the temptation indefinitely because if I fall for this one, imma gonna fall hard...

My criterion for rpgs, is "one of these games where you have a whole world map to explore with regions and stuff to discover in it" (as opposed to randomised or corridor-based). I sometimes harrass friends until they find me a next game matching this criterion well.
I honestly don't know which is the better one. Fallout 2 is more massive with many fascinating locations such as New Reno where you can become a celebrity boxer, a porn star and a made man in any of 4 crime families. In Fallout 1 there were far fewer locales and the wasteland felt even more deserted than in 2 - which I think contributed more to the post apocalyptic feel. Not sure why I am explaining this to you :P - by your criterion you've most likely already played Fallout 1 and 2 :)