lukaszthegreat: i almost shat my pants watching it. can't imagine myself working like that.
Doesn't it ruin your life tough a bit? I mean your commute is way more exciting than 99% of things you can do.
Not at all, I just enjoy what I can when the opportunity arises :) Life is to be enjoyed and I'd love to do that, even though I have a slight fear of heights. If you get a chance to try something, why not do it if you'll probably never get the chance again?
Example true story: I had microsurgery on my right hand's index finger cause I severed it to the bone with a 30cm knife at my first job. They gave me the option to have a general anaesthetic to knock me out whilst they operated, or a local anaesthetic to numb my arm and hand so I could watch
You can guess what I chose :) Most amazing thing I've seen. Microsurgery doctors are incredible people
Push through the fear, enjoy it all :)