jamyskis: I'm fucking sick of the far-right political extremism that has flared up here in Europe, with UKIP in the UK, Front National in France and PEGIDA here in Germany, and the far-left isn't much better when it comes to losing all sight of reality. As a centrist, I feel increasingly isolated.
If you think the far right is worse than the far left, you're not technically a centrist but more like center-left, slight distinction. You can't claim that somewhat theoretical neutral "safe" spot in the middle.
One can see this all the time. People saying "I'm on no one's side but those guys over there suck in particular". Couch sniping, that's what that is. I understand your frustration though and shared it for quite a long time, it's like sitting in a car that is veering off to the left and right and you're sitting there with your hands on the steering wheel, trying to hold it still. Sure, it sucks being increasingly isolated because everyone seems to go more and more left and right but technically, holding the wheel still is inertia. A car is never going entirely straight so one needs to make adjustments continually.
I didn't wake up one morning and decide "me so bored, gonna go right-wing so I can troll my leftist colleagues & acquaintances", on the contrary I've been avoiding such things for a long time. But when I look at my voting record, I've concluded that in recent years I've clearly been more in congruence with a right-wing stance than a left-wing stance on the majority of issues. I have personal feelings but they are never involved when I decide on political issues so I'm also not affected by the "shame" I'm supposed to feel for not being a leftist. In Lala-Land, my first choice would probably be the GLP (green liberal party) but last time I checked, we don't live in Lala-Land. If we did, we wouldn't need politicians or parties in the first place so there's that.
In my country things have veered off to the left for a long time, recently many people who had nothing to do with the right-wing have started to steer to the right as a corrective measure and because they're simply fed up. Meaning the right wing could capitalize on many protest votes. And instead of analyzing why this happened, leftists are now steering even more to the left to stubbornly defend their base instead of trying to improve the country. They won't reclaim their voters that way, all this does is widen the gap which is already pretty damn wide. So why do I play into this by supporting the right wing? Because the government is still too much left-leaning for its own good, so even though I am frustrated by the polarization, I have no choice but to pick a side. My core issue (not joining the EU) is only clearly championed by the major right-wing party, everyone else is either wishy-washy about it or pro-EU.
Ideally, I want all parties gone and people voting on issues, freed of partisan affiliation. But that's not how the system works (in part because many people are too lazy to think for themselves, party affiliation makes things easier) and if I just keep only voting on issues and don't also support the parties that support my issues most then I'm giving up a significant part of my voting power.
jamyskis: I feel like if I hear another person parroting Third Reich-esque bullshit like "Gutmenschen", "Lügenpresse" and "Multikultiwahn" again,
I'm just going to kick the living shit out of them.
jamyskis: But I refuse to yield to the unending torrents of hate that seem to define the net right now.
Threats of violence are the worst kind of hate.
jamyskis: seeing as it's basically turned into one big racist flamewar
Klumpen0815: Wut? Where? Proof please, I must have missed it.
You know that Islam is not a race, right?
It's a philosophical system like any other religion and one contrary to humanism which has to create tension in states with humanism as the main foundation for the constitution.
An important "detail" many people seem to miss. Because "racism" just sounds good, convenient word to throw around :)
Technically, I should feel offended by all the unwarranted use of the word racism which ends up cheapening
real racism. Most people just use the word to make themselves look good, most of them never having experienced actual racism themselves. As I've already mentioned elsewhere, I have been called "a little black dwarf" in kindergarten, and a classmate once said my dad was a "nigger". I found more cutting comebacks to retort with and therefor had no need to draw the racism card but I've nonetheless experienced actual racism so I know what it is.
awalterj: The general and the specific are congruent. If you ask general questions, expect general answers. That's why my two questions are very specific.
babark: But you haven't. You chose to respond to the rhetorical bookend to my 2nd to last post, rather than the actual question, where I made quite clear what I was talking about and what I was asking.
I didn't answer the rhetorical bookend part of your question which (in full) was:
"How am I supposed engage in discussion with someone who thinks they're absolutely trouncing me in some debate, but doesn't know (or doesn't wish to talk about) who or what or why they are debating, and what their own position in the debate is?" My answers to that question wasn't telling you how to engage, rather I addressed the questions raised in the second part of the sentence (debating who/debating what/debating why/what position I take)
Don't ask general questions and act dissatisfied if you get general answers. Instead, repeat your earlier question if you think it was more specific.
But seeing as you'll stall forever if I don't go back all the way to post 184 where you asked questions that were redundant because the answers were already clear from previous posts of mine in this thread, I'll answer:
babark: what exactly do you think is my side of this debate?
As stated very early on, I accuse you of conducting apologism for Islam = blindly and categorically defending your religion, disregarding evidence (even the non-correlational type) and by using the usual deflections and excuses common in the genre. Aka "ignoring the elephant in the room". That's not a good thing because how can one fix problems and progress if one categorically excludes the possibility that religion could be the problem behind Islamist attitudes and acts of terror.
babark: What do you think the thesis of my "argument" is,
If I had to pick one overarching thesis for you, it would be: When Muslims do bad things, it has nothing to do with Islam specifically, even if someone shoots a cartoonist and loudly yells "We avenged the Prophet Muhammad"...
Although you haven't even said if you thought the attack was unjustified, I hope you think it is. Hence my question number 2 which I hope you will finally answer. You see, you've avoided to take a position on some very important things, possibly out of fear.
babark: and what exactly is your side and your "opposing argument" or response in this debate that you're trouncing me so badly in?
I claim that nowadays there's more terrorism coming from Muslims than from any other religious group and I have raised the strong suspicion that the religion itself is likely to be the main contributing factor. There have been Muslim terrorists from all kinds of ethnic and national backgrounds so that leaves religion as the one common factor. Read post 141 again for more details.I wonder if you actually read my posts, at all. The answers to all your questions can be found in previous posts of mine.
As for the trouncing, you're mostly trouncing yourself by stalling, not taking clear positions etc so I can't take too much credit for that, even if you imagine me doing little evil victory dances in front of my laptop. My apartment is too small for such dances so I guarantee you, I'm not doing that.
Now that I've not only answered your last questions but went back to answer the ones before that, I hope you will finally have the basic decency to answer my questions, which I'll patiently repeat again:
1.) Do you think that there should be a law that prohibits people from drawing Muhammad, e.g. in a cartoon where he's naked and gets sodomized by an elephant god or whoever?
2.) Do you think the two brothers who shot up the Charlie Hebdo office and its staff acted in any way, shape or form justifiably?