Ixamyakxim: LOL - you didn't hear? Microsoft purchased Linux and the latest Win 10 Update automatically installs it, wipes your hard drive AND charges your CC a monthy fee for the privilege of using it. Don't worry, you don't have to enter in your details, "they" already have them ;) Recovery of your data is just the low, low price of $10 (Pper month - what? Monthly data maintenance isn't a basic function of computer usage, it's a SERICE - you didn't know that?).
But no, seriously. A few months back adam did a series of "Linux Help" posts in a massive thread, inspired by a few people switching over / trying out Linux for the first time.
Some VERY useful stuff, and I'm guessing he's just reposting the pertinent info / screenshots in an ordered manner, then allowing others to ask questions / make posts after it's all compiled.