ignisferroque: Preferred UT99. Quake 3 was too fast for me, i always got annoyed after half an hour. Might be because my computer back then wasnt the fastest and i was playing with maybe 25-30 fps, dunno how it would compare nowadays, id guess Q3 holds up a bit better, the gameplay mechanics at least.
Q3 has better graphics from a technical point of view but i think that the level design and art style in unreal was a lot more interesting. Q3 is basically... brown. When i think about it i cant even remember many of its maps, well the one with the jumppads... but Unreal had quite a variety of good and unique maps.
Most importantly: Unreal required at least some tactic, depending on the playmode, nothing compared to the Capture the flag and assault levels back then in my opinion. The classic unreal weapons also are a lot more fun i think, just compare the rocket launchers. Or the flak cannon. Or the redeemer..
yes unreal required tactics, but quake3 required them too. a lot of tactics in fact.