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It’s the year 1920 and tradition clashes with scientific and technological progress, while Europe is still recovering from the brutal battles of the World War. Iron Harvest is now available for pre-order on GOG.COM. This RTS title, inspired by fantastic art of Jakub Różalski, lets you control giant dieselpunk mechs, combining epic single-player and co-op campaigns with intense action on the battlefield.

The game's premiere is set for the 1st of September 2020.
A pre-order that at launch will have DLCs?!

So you strip down the base game so to sell DLCs at launch?!

This is why the gaming industry is heading into an abyss, just don't get it as no-one discusses this.
Hmm, do I even need this now that Supreme Commander is on GOG?

Personally: no, but very interested in seeing how this will turn up!
Looks very interesting to me, but I have a large backlog of rts games. Large enough and not going down, to the point of realizing that I guess I don't really enjoy them any more. Just too hectic for me with my aging skill level.
deesko666: A pre-order that at launch will have DLCs?!
So you strip down the base game so to sell DLCs at launch?!
This is why the gaming industry is heading into an abyss, just don't get it as no-one discusses this.
Unfortunately, it has been the norm in recent years. When it comes to RTS, aRPGs & cRPGs, i'm usually fine with an expansion sometime after the game's release, but when i see multiple DLCs that only offer "bits and bytes", i tend to shy away.

As for Iron Harvest, i think it looks impressive and it's definitely a game i'd consider buying, but not until all pieces has been released in one big package; what they usually call "definitive edition" or something.
avatar The Deluxe Edition includes ... Exact contents still to be determined
The mech/steampunky (post) WW1 setting makes me look forward to it; but Stuff like pre-order deluxe dlcs to be determined each on itself is always a bit eww but together its all hands red alert.

Yeah yeah "but all the other also do it *pouty fingerpoint at UBIsoft*!" and if all the other would jump down a tall building would you jump too? Be better than these fine companies that claim to be a AAA industry!

*sigh* And I'm talking to the air again...
Looks very Company of Heroes-ish at first glance.

Seems interesting but not in a hurry to play this. Might get it later once it hits a decent discount.
Look, its the Duke Nukem Forever of RTS games (of course I'M joking around). Hopefully its going to be a good one. It really looks like it might exceed expectations. I've been looking into it for a couple of years and I'd say it might.

2020, as far as a bad year it has been so far, has been pumping out some amazing games.
I vaguely remember hearing about this game eons ago, thinking that it sounded fun but would be a long shot to make it to market. Nice to see that it's going the distance, maybe I'll pick it up if it's any good.

deesko666: A pre-order that at launch will have DLCs?!

So you strip down the base game so to sell DLCs at launch?!

This is why the gaming industry is heading into an abyss, just don't get it as no-one discusses this.
DLC became the future of gaming as soon as regular 75% off sales became the present of gaming. Nobody discusses it because nobody is willing to be truly honest about how the 21st century video game industry works.

But don't worry, if it launches in September that means you should be able to get the base game for about fifteen bucks in next year's spring sale, or everything for a bit less than the launch price. It's what the customers want...
Windows 10 only? Yeah, nah. I'll look again after release to see if better operating systems become supported.
J_Darnley: Windows 10 only? Yeah, nah. I'll look again after release to see if better operating systems become supported.
"Windows 7

There was confusion (including here in the office) about whether the game will run on Windows 10 only or on other versions of Windows as well. Officially, we use the term “Windows 10” everywhere, because older versions, including Windows 7, are no longer supported by Microsoft and some middle-ware providers, or their support might run out before Iron Harvest is released.

BUT Iron Harvest currently runs just fine on Windows 7 and we don’t see a reason why it shouldn’t do so in the future.

It’s just that Microsoft and others keep talking about not supporting it anymore, so it’s a somewhat uncomfortable position for us as developers. So… it IS a Windows 10 game, but it will most likely run on Windows 7, 8 and others versions as well."

That's from 2018, but I don't see why this shouldn't still hold true.
deesko666: A pre-order that at launch will have DLCs?!

So you strip down the base game so to sell DLCs at launch?!

This is why the gaming industry is heading into an abyss, just don't get it as no-one discusses this.
So paradox have written, so shall it be done.
mechmouse: Kickstarted this, can't wait for the release
Same :)
deesko666: A pre-order that at launch will have DLCs?!

So you strip down the base game so to sell DLCs at launch?!

This is why the gaming industry is heading into an abyss, just don't get it as no-one discusses this.
From the Kickstarter page for the game:
"We won’t add new features to the base game, even if the Kickstarter is very successful. It is very dangerous to make a game bigger and bigger, just because you can. Instead, we’ll release the base game as planned and add a free mini DLC campaign later on. Think “Company of Heroes - Tiger Ace”."

n.b. emphasis mine.

Scope of base game was defined prior to launch of the Kickstarter, DLC is content generated after base game.

I know EA (and many other AAA studios) have made the bait and switch of "soft launches", "surprise mechanics" and needed to buy addtional day one DLC just to get the core game exprience, all into common AAA publishing standards but not all DLC, even DLC released at/near launch is choping up the base game to make you buy it several times. That comes down to the busines and development models of the company(s) in question.
Look at what CDPR did with The Witcher 3, lots of DLC there, some of it coming very quickly, some of it requiring an additional purchase, but none of it exploiting the player or undermining the base game.

I 100% agree that the type of publishing behavior you're talking about is repugnant, just look at what EA/Bioware did to Mass Effect 3, or even Daragon Age: Origin for that matter (though to a lessor excent), to say nothing of current situations like Fallout 76 etc etc. It certainly does happen, and happen a lot, but I find it worthwhile to look into the specific company and Devs to get conext on what's happening. Not everyone is EA/Ubi/Acti/Bethesda.

Cheers :)
looks like good stuff, i just wish Deep Silver would bring us Dead Island by now
> The game's premiere is set for the 1st of September 2020.

They obviously failed to produce the game by 9th of January 2020