FarkOfDoge: Would be a nice compromise, but let's be honest: a select few would likely still complain about "lewd adult text" in their emails. So then where do the compromises end? If i've learned anything over the course of my life, it's that a number of (oft easily offended and overly entitled) humans want the world to conform to their every demand, no matter how small or inane. At this point, i'm in the "let them adapt or avoid things they dislike" camp.
It's too hard to have a text-only default email marketing push stream?
So let's just decide between a total ban or anything goes?
Excluded middle, via a slippery slope, to a strawman? Fallacies everywhere!
Surely the text email is a simple, effective way for customers to
Just as one used to have to go behind a (literal) curtain in the VHS-era video rental stores to peruse the X-rated titles, so too anyone who wants to can select the full, glorious graphical experience — perhaps even with an extra-high quality option? Would not
that be better? Maybe with AI-enhanced imagery?
Braggadar: The same reason why you don't have picture-less advertisements for any visual medium entertainment: it's not effective use of advertising.
On the radio? ;P
Restraint and respect will also garner popularity, at least amongst customers like me. (: