KnightW0lf: yes i know there are some games wishes can be hard to reach but when someone asked for command & Conquer 5 that game doesn't even exist can we at lest start trying to get games that are lest possible and go from there, unless the whole wish list are taken as jokes hench some of the games like halo, C&C, diable, Age of Empires
javihyuga: But i leik diable :(
well thats fine putting on wishlist but there are only a few that seem more impossible i mean to me the whole wishlist on gog seems more of joke then people actually wanting games.
Diablo 1 HD
Diablo I, Diablo II and Diablo III + Expension packs and Soundtrack and maybe some wallpapers/art
"Diablo + Hellfire" and "Diablo 2 + Lord of Destruction"
Diablo I
Diablo, Warcraft, GTA, C&C (with expansions, or full collections)
Diablo III
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Diablo 3
Diablo: Unearthed Arsenal
diablo, fade to black, day of the tentacles
these are all request when you search for diablo and in honesty people are not looking up and searching for the game already made as well it would reduce the number of things on the wishlist
Diablo I +DLC
Diablo 2 + DLC
Diablo 3 + DLC
it would reduce the number from 10 to 3 now thank of it this way and how much helpfull it would be, you could reduce 60 wishes to maybe just 10 if each game has 6 wishlisted
as for impossible games like age of empires definitive edition not even steam has it because it's going to be windows only same as diablo 3 as for diablo 1 we might have to wait more years sadly and maybe one day we will get that.
and then we also have mods since there not expansion and can't really be added the only way is to post a download link or gog carry the files on there servers
also i asked about 1-2 years ago all game wishlist even series are supposed to be separated so no
Diablo 1,2,3
it has to be
Diablo 1
Diablo 2
Diablo 3
which makes sense so they can work on each game as well mark progress, it's a little hard to mark progress on 3 games at once :P as well if there all different games
i'm just trying to help the gog community out