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low rated
Post edited June 21, 2019 by falster
GameRager: Fate is a somewhat ok guy and he was probably just joking with you in good faith/fun and not to be mean....just a head's up.
falster: That's fine, my feelings aren't hurt or whatever, it just seems a little like he was trolling me that's all.

like ive said, I thank him for the input, im not the arbiter of the forum he can type what he wants.
Well as long as no harm was done to anyone and everyone is ok with what's said......

BTW thanks for adding to my threads. It really helps when some add constructive/ontopic posts to them and don't just joke around and try to derail them for laughs.

Addition: That's just how he talks sometimes to new faces......just a head's up(again). :)
Post edited June 20, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
Post edited June 21, 2019 by falster
They already 'bend the knee' anytime they're challenged.

As for Anita Snarkeesian, why are you bringing her up?
Post edited June 21, 2019 by falster
falster: erm….because she asked to get involved with the development of cyberpunk 2077, like a direct approach to CDPR
Well, looks like I'll be passing up on Cyberpunk 2077 then.

BTW I asked why you brought her up as I hadn't heard this news... so... thanks!
GreasyDogMeat: They already 'bend the knee' anytime they're challenged.

As for Anita Snarkeesian, why are you bringing her up?
She made a vid about it(as Falster said) saying CDPR should hire her as they have a bad history of x-cism/x-phobia somehow in their games....basically silently/subtley "threatening" them to hire her to save face.

falster: erm….because she asked to get involved with the development of cyberpunk 2077, like a direct approach to CDPR
GreasyDogMeat: Well, looks like I'll be passing up on Cyberpunk 2077 then.

BTW I asked why you brought her up as I hadn't heard this news... so... thanks!
TheQuartering did a video about it, actually(he is very cringey but he sometimes makes good points), and so did others on YT/etc.
Post edited June 20, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: They already 'bend the knee' anytime they're challenged.

As for Anita Snarkeesian, why are you bringing her up?
She recently offered her "consulting services" to CDP. To prevent anything "bad" from happening. lol
low rated
Post edited June 21, 2019 by falster
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: They already 'bend the knee' anytime they're challenged.

As for Anita Snarkeesian, why are you bringing her up?
richlind33: She recently offered her "consulting services" to CDP. To prevent anything "bad" from happening. lol
Has anyone memed her pic onto some gangster film yet because of this? Cuz they totally should
falster: it was probably the way you asked....

but yes, its true, however, I don't necessarily see it as something that would happen, it was actually very cringey how it was done, and if Mass effect and Anthem are anything to go by,its blatantly obvious that no one in their right mind would take her seriously with this.
They've fired people over these issues and censor comments on their forums over these issues.

I hold them in very low regard in terms of 'standing up' against these issues. That's all I'll say on the matter.
GreasyDogMeat: Well, looks like I'll be passing up on Cyberpunk 2077 then.

BTW I asked why you brought her up as I hadn't heard this news... so... thanks!
falster: it was probably the way you asked....

but yes, its true, however, I don't necessarily see it as something that would happen, it was actually very cringey how it was done, and if Mass effect and Anthem are anything to go by,its blatantly obvious that no one in their right mind would take her seriously with this.

EVERYONE knows, she knows nothing about games, and uses that as a cover to push her agenda. shes one of those people who just wants to be right, and everyone else be wrong.
I "like" how she seemingly has no problem with hunky men/etc in games yet is mad about sexy women in games.

Also she seems to belittle those who like sexy women as if that's a bad thing.
low rated
Post edited June 21, 2019 by falster
low rated
falster: youre more intent on stirring, with your replies, such as a mention to my "being British" and trying to infer I "misunderstand" and then trying to "mic drop" with the no offense taken nonsense,
Fate-is-one-edge: Do you frequent Steam forums? Cause you sound like a troll lookign for a fight where there is none.
Let's leave it at that, but I insist that you simply misunderstood.
I'll take care in the future not to bother you again.
And yes, no offense taken on the nonsense you are insinuating.

Best regards.

Shame on both of you for continuing this facade in order to salvage your egos and abusing the forum post button for satisfying your personal lack of confidence and self-reflection.
I consider this exchange to be over.
GameRager: I "like" how she seemingly has no problem with hunky men/etc in games yet is mad about sexy women in games.

Also she seems to belittle those who like sexy women as if that's a bad thing.
falster: Because she herself is not "sexy" usually a red flag

Zombiunicorn is another one recently making a fool of herself in this same manner. hypocritical THOT that she is
Yeah ZU is getting BLASTED online by those who fine her to be a hypocrite.

I wouldn't call her such names though for wanting to use her assets to make money, but the fact that she does so on a site with teens on it then goes to lambast women dancing at a con just seems all sorts of wrong to me.