jsjrodman: Why is everyone so certain that these folks didn't license the rights to distribute the rom image from Sony?
dick1982: because everything about them sounds shady as fug, including the topic starter/shiller. and it's not the first time STEAM tried to sell games that screams copyright infringement. or partial copyright-infringement by trying to sell a game that's made with stolen or open-sourced under GPL resources. extremely cynical about anything coming out of steam and their so-called "developers".
If a game includes copyright infringing materials, that's really between the game maker and those infringed upon. Valve can't take on policing that. They're not in any sort of position to dig up the specifics in libraries and audio files. Not to mention that doing so incompletely opens up legal risks when you aren't consistent about it.
You also can't associate "games on steam" with each other. What practices Ubisoft employs in games they happen to sell on Steam don't really associate with whatever practices Take2 employs in games they happen to sell on Steam.
You CAN point out that there is *some* dodgy stuff on Steam, with which I'll agree. But that doesn't really support the idea that these games definitely aren't licensing the rom.
These games appear to have PCSXR embedded in them. That's not theft, because copyright infringement isn't theft. When someone asked for the source code for the embedded PCSXR code, they were sent it. Clearly the creating shop, or someone who works there, is wiling to honor the license. That small datapoint suggests they are likely to follow other legal requirements, but I certainly don't know if they did at this point.