WBGhiro: I talk to myself in my mind.
Probably not a good sign.
Haha, yes, I do that, too. The last time I played System Shock I had an intense talk with myself about how to escape the radiated floors one has to go through with the code you have to memorize to escape the dangerous situation.
And before that about those annoying telecinetic skilled monkeys bothering you here and there.
MadalinStroe: Growing up I also found great enjoyment watching my father or brother playing games, while I was giving them hints about what to do. Games like Heroes of Might and Magic and adventure games like Monkey Island. Now I play almost exclusively alone and in short bursts, which would explain how I amassed more than 5000+ wins in Hearthstone. Lately I found myself talking with myself as to why I lost a game, or about how lucky the opponent was. First step towards insanity achieved.
I think it does indeed depend on which games you want to play, strategy games and adventures are predestinated to be played together because of the ideas you can collect together.
I often found myself clueless while my gaming partner had ideas to progress further. The last game I played together with my two cousins was Amnesia, and together we helped each other out of hopeless situations and we weren't as frightened as we would have been when playing alone.
Zeeaire: [...] I only like to play (and are only able to play) older games.
HunchBluntley: If I might ask, why
only older games? There are plenty of good newer games, including ones made in the style of classic older games (with varying degrees of faithfulness).
Zeeaire: How do you handle it, do you play games alone or do you have company to play them?
HunchBluntley: These days, I pretty much only play single-player games, and pretty much always by myself. Even back when slip-screen console gaming was big, I struggled to get my friends to play multiplayer games, and most of us have drifted apart since then, anyway. I don't have much interest in playing online with Random Internet Strangers, so...yeah. Solo single-player.
I play older games because of, well the nostalgia.
It were the best times in my life when I played Lemmings before I went to bed and my father showed me games like Jill of the Jungle and Populous and when I got older he only insulted me when I played computer games and said, why can't you just read books instead of being involved with childish things like that, so it were the good old times for me, when there was still harmony all around.
But it's not only the nostalgia it's also because I like the games that were made back in the days, and when games are made to look or feel 'retro' it doesn't succeed most of the times.
I have still my other cousin to play games with, he is much younger than me, 12 years, and I was the first one to show him computergames, and of course I began with the games I loved when i was younger, Black and White 1, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, The Sims 2 and he loved it , too, I was very happy about that.
The last weekend I played 'No one lives forever' with him and he was more excited about it than I thought.
Those are the moments I feel the joy of the days long gone...maybe it's strange but it's a great part of what happiness means for me.
But unfortunately I can't rely on my cousin to play games with me since he is much younger than me and he will find other friends to spend his time with. (And I think I'm starting to lose him to mobile phone games >.< , I knew sooner or later it would happen)
But it seems like it's not only me who had more opportunities to play games together when at a younger age.
In the end, there will always be people wo stop gaming or reduce it on a level on which you can't have fun with it anymore.