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hedwards: I doubt most people want a wide variety of games on the basis of random chance. Folks like that would probably be better off just buying games every week that there's a promo as Mr. Gog seems to do a pretty good job of mixing that up.

Presumably, the mix of games available from the sale is biased in favor of somewhat cheaper games, but it would be kind of interesting to know what the actual breakdown is.

It's gimmicky and relies upon the same basic mechanic that casinos rely on to keep people putting quarters in the slots.
Again, to each his/her own. The point being that this is not a cut and dry bad sale like so many people want to make it seem. The list is available in another thread. Very few games on that list retail for $9.99, most are $14.99 or more. Of course why bother to get your facts straight when its easy enough to complain without looking into the facts...
low rated
hedwards: I doubt most people want a wide variety of games on the basis of random chance. Folks like that would probably be better off just buying games every week that there's a promo as Mr. Gog seems to do a pretty good job of mixing that up.

Presumably, the mix of games available from the sale is biased in favor of somewhat cheaper games, but it would be kind of interesting to know what the actual breakdown is.

It's gimmicky and relies upon the same basic mechanic that casinos rely on to keep people putting quarters in the slots.
RWarehall: Again, to each his/her own. The point being that this is not a cut and dry bad sale like so many people want to make it seem. The list is available in another thread. Very few games on that list retail for $9.99, most are $14.99 or more. Of course why bother to get your facts straight when its easy enough to complain without looking into the facts...
No need to make an ass of yourself. I haven't seen that thread.

And yes, it is a bad sale. It relies upon the ignorance of what you're going to get in order to juice sales. Some people seem to have enough money that they don't care, but for those of us that aren't independently wealthy, it's a terrible deal. The fact that some of these games have been on bigger discount previously, makes this even more insulting.
RWarehall: The point is this is a good deal for some.
The people who it isn't a good deal for are people who are spoiled by bundle prices.
People who have most of their game collection on Steam and don't want repeats.
People who generally dislike indies and their normal genres (platformers, PnC adventures)
It's nice to learn new thing about myself. I'm spoiled by bundle prices (despite rarely buying them), I have most of my games on Steam (despite not having a Steam account) and I dislike indie games (despite the fact that the new games I play are mostly indies).

It's not a good deal for me, because I don't know what I'll get. Without looking up other peoples results on the forum I wouldn't even know what I might get. And as it turned out mostly it's games I'm not interested in. And it has nothing to do with not liking indies or point & click adventure games (I love point & clicks), but because those particular games don't appeal to me. I think Randal's Monday was the only one I would like, but the chance of getting that is less than slim.

There is nothing spoiled about prefering straightforeward deals. I don't think there is anything inherently "wrong" about those pinatas, if it's a cool deal for someone- great. But not for me, and I don't fit into any of your poorly thought out categories.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by Breja
hedwards: No need to make an ass of yourself. I haven't seen that thread.

And yes, it is a bad sale. It relies upon the ignorance of what you're going to get in order to juice sales. Some people seem to have enough money that they don't care, but for those of us that aren't independently wealthy, it's a terrible deal. The fact that some of these games have been on bigger discount previously, makes this even more insulting.
The only one making an ass out of themselves is you! Seriously, you are the one trolling this thread while ignorantly spouting nonsense. You didn't look into the sale but are trying to tell people what a bad deal it is

It's not that bad a sale, you are just a trolling uninformed idiot.
low rated
But this is a perfect example of why these forums are starting to suck.

Fucking trolling assholes spreading all their negativity. "This sale sucks. This sale is bad because I don't like it. Because its gambling. People like Hedwards who keep shitting up these forums with all the negativity and people like Breja who think their opinion is so important that they need to post in every thread how much they dislike these kinds of sales.

And if anyone disagrees with them, they want to be shitheads about it. Nope, GoG may not be the Steam forums but it has its own problem. A bunch of long-time know-it-alls who feel they need to correct everyone else on the forums ad nauseum...because they think they are the only ones who are right.
RWarehall: But this is a perfect example of why these forums are starting to suck.

Fucking trolling assholes spreading all their negativity. "This sale sucks. This sale is bad because I don't like it. Because its gambling. People like Hedwards who keep shitting up these forums with all the negativity and people like Breja who think their opinion is so important that they need to post in every thread how much they dislike these kinds of sales.

And if anyone disagrees with them, they want to be shitheads about it.
Yeah, I'm just such an asshole, saying that if you like the sale it's cool, and there is nothing wrong with that sale, simply pointing out that you're wrong in your assumptions about who and why dislikes the sale. I acted like a total douche respectfully disagreeing with you. Truly, people like me are the scourge of the forum.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe the forum is "starting to suck" because of great individuals like yourself, insulting people for no good reason, being all militant and douchy about subjects that neither require nor warrant it?
Post edited September 13, 2015 by Breja
My favorite part about Pinatas were always the Pinatas themselves. The candy inside was always fleeting, but the Pinatas were always VERY COOL to me and I wondered what people did with them once they were done. I always wanted to be able to get the empty vessels and keep them, but never did. I wonder, what is leftover when these Pinatas are bashed open? Do they give you the animated image of the Pinata when you order that you can save as a file for always? That'd be cool.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by drealmer7
RWarehall: But this is a perfect example of why these forums are starting to suck.

Fucking trolling assholes spreading all their negativity. "This sale sucks. This sale is bad because I don't like it. Because its gambling. People like Hedwards who keep shitting up these forums with all the negativity and people like Breja who think their opinion is so important that they need to post in every thread how much they dislike these kinds of sales.

And if anyone disagrees with them, they want to be shitheads about it.
Breja: Yeah, I'm just such an asshole, saying that if you like the sale it's cool, and there is nothing wrong with that sale, simply pointing out that you're wrong in your assumptions about who and why dislikes the sale. I acted like a total douche respectfully disagreeing with you. Truly, people like me are the scourge of the forum.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe the forum is "starting to suck" because of great individuals like yourself, insulting people for no good reason, being all militant and douchy about subjects that neither require nor warrant it?
Because you are such a fucking angel, huh? Like calling other people's thoughts "poorly thought out"? That was so respectable of you...not!

Because each of those things I listed have appeared multiple times in the 6 or so threads about this sale...
"I bought a Pinata and paid $3 for a $2 game" because Humble had it on sale.
"I bought a game and in was a Point and Click adventure and I hate that genre" and if people would do a little research or know anything about indie games, the majority tend to be platformers or PnC.
"I bought a pinata and it sucks because I already own it on Steam. GoG should check my Steam account."

These are three common complaints in all these stupid threads, if you'd read them, you'd know. But somehow in your ignorance you call my list "poorly thought out". No, maybe your post is what was poorly thought out...

No, what is shitty about our forum are the same people repeating the same stuff over and over again when anyone else has a differing opinion.

Its fine, the sale isn't for you, but why do you think its necessary to "correct" anyone else who doesn't find it all that bad? Who made you the king of what's a good sale or bad? Why should you be going out of your way to correct everyone? Nope, that is what's wrong with these forums. Opinionated shitheads who have one opinion and act like jerks to anyone with a differing one...
RWarehall: Because you are such a fucking angel, huh? Like calling other people's thoughts "poorly thought out"? That was so respectable of you...not!
Actually... yes. "Respect" does not mean I have to consider you right, or your wrong ideas to be well though out. It was not an insult, nor was it said in an insulting manner. It was just a statement of fact.

RWarehall: Because each of those things I listed have appeared multiple times in the 6 or so threads about this sale...
"I bought a Pinata and paid $3 for a $2 game" because Humble had it on sale.
"I bought a game and in was a Point and Click adventure and I hate that genre" and if people would do a little research or know anything about indie games, the majority tend to be platformers or PnC.
"I bought a pinata and it sucks because I already own it on Steam. GoG should check my Steam account."

These are three common complaints in all these stupid threads, if you'd read them, you'd know. But somehow in your ignorance you call my list "poorly thought out". No, maybe your post is what was poorly thought out...
And which of those things have I said? None. And that is what I pointed out- that I also dislike the sale, and yet don't fit any of those categories, therefore those are not well thought out. In any event, I did not insult you, or anyone else. And yet the only thing you keep doing, is flinging insults. So think again, who exactly is making the forum suck?

RWarehall: Its fine, the sale isn't for you, but why do you think its necessary to "correct" anyone else who doesn't find it all that bad? Who made you the king of what's a good sale or bad? Why should you be going out of your way to correct everyone? Nope, that is what's wrong with these forums. Opinionated shitheads who have one opinion and act like jerks to anyone with a differing one...
You are the only one acting like a jerk. I only corrected you, because you were wrong in your generalised assumption. I clearly stated, that there is nothing "wrong" about your opinion on the sale.

You're being arrogant, unpleasant, and I don't appreciate your tone. You might want to take a deep breat and start acting like a decent person again.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by Breja
I think the pinata idea would have worked better if there was a way to help guarantee that you'll get a game you want even if what you get is up to chance. For example, they could have had multiple pinatas, each representing a different genre. Another idea would be to have a custom pinata where users pick several games from a pool (with a minimum, of course) to be available in their pinata and then the one they get is random. Or there could be a different way of doing the custom pinata where you could choose which genres and operating systems you're okay with while the games are still a mystery.
Breja: snip
Get off your high horse. You were just "so" respectful calling my list "poorly thought out". With respect like that, how dare anyone not think you are the second coming.

It was an insult and you said it in an insulting manner. And that you consider it "fact" shows how much of an asshole you really are. As I said, there are too many arrogant people like you who think their own opinions are SO RIGHT that they are basically fact. That is what is wrong with these forums. People like you who feel they are never wrong...

Get over yourself!
Marioface5: I think the pinata idea would have worked better if there was a way to help guarantee that you'll get a game you want even if what you get is up to chance. For example, they could have had multiple pinatas, each representing a different genre. Another idea would be to have a custom pinata where users pick several games from a pool (with a minimum, of course) to be available in their pinata and then the one they get is random. Or there could be a different way of doing the custom pinata where you could choose which genres and operating systems you're okay with while the games are still a mystery.
I think, that it's a nice gamble for windows users, the pool of games is just a little small with all the old stuff excluded but the theme is "indie" after all.

What I'd like to see would be a gamble like this with only games that have Linux ports, I would probably put more money into it than I should.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by Klumpen0815
RWarehall: It was an insult and you said it in an insulting manner.
No. No, I did not. And the funny thing? A few posts ago, when I still respected you, if you calmly stated that you found it insulting, I would have even apologised to you, despite it not being meant to be. Just out of common courtesy you seem to lack so badly.

RWarehall: And that you consider it "fact" shows how much of an asshole you really are. As I said, there are too many arrogant people like you who think their own opinions are SO RIGHT that they are basically fact. That is what is wrong with these forums. People like you who feel they are never wrong...
It is a fact. I know, because, as stated twice now, I am the very proof of that. You made a wrong, generalised assumption, and that is what I pointed out. I never said that I'm never wrong, or anything to that effect.

I have always done my best to be a positive voice on this forum, and and positive contribution to the community. Surely I have not always succeded, but I think in general I did. So I see no reason why I should just take those insults and disrespect from you. That would only encourage such slimey, douchy behaviour in the future, and I don't want to see the forum overrun by people acting the way you are now.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by Breja
RWarehall: Get off your high horse. You were just "so" respectful calling my list "poorly thought out". With respect like that, how dare anyone not think you are the second coming.

It was an insult and you said it in an insulting manner.
Do you really think that any kind of negative feedback is disrespectful and insulting? You seem to be taking Breja's criticism of your list way too personally.

As for previous claims that Breja is some sort of terrible person ruining the forum and shoving his opinions down everyone's throats, I have to say that's just not true. Breja may have some very strong opinions, but I don't recall him ever being a jerk about it. We've disagreed on things in the past, and he's never been rude or insulting to me. I've found him to be pretty reasonable, honestly, and in some cases he's even contributed to me changing my own opinions.

The claim that Breja is ruining the forum is even more ridiculous when you consider that he's actually one of the most vocal people when it comes to trying to get GOG to improve things around here.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by Marioface5
I bought three Pinatas, and I'm decently happy with my results.

I ended up getting:

- The Blackwell Bundle (which I'd been wanting for a while)
- Aarklash Legacy (which I'd looked at, thought was interesting)
- 1954 Alcatraz (which I've heard is a decent game on the cheaps)

So not bad. I was using a card that I was getting rid of anyways, and I still had about $11 on it. I'll call it worth. Sure, would've liked Wasteland 2, but I'm not gonna complain about some $15 and $20 games for $3 a piece.