Posted September 15, 2015

2) I did not want to circumvent anything. I tried my luck and was not happy with the result. So I offered my Pinatas in the trade forum and since nobody wanted to trade I ASKED GOG (not demanded it) if it were possible to refund it so I can add a little bit of money to buy Technobabylon. In the end it is a win situation for GOG. It was never my intention to play a game of luck and then refund no matter what. I never even knew I could refund before reading it here (which was AFTER I bought the two Pinatas). Yes, buying every Pinata and then using GOG support to get all the money back would clearly not be their intention and as I said refunds are not that easy with digital goods (even though GOG has a clearly stated refund policy IF the game does not work). But I think it is a total different thing to ask them nicely if there were the option to do this so I can buy another game and GOG still has my money. At least that is my opinion on this :)