takezodunmer2005: Yep, that's why I considered it a fair point, and why I implied that forcing permadeath on people instead of having the choice, is bad for a small company that relies so heavily on game sales.
toxicTom: Well it really depends on the game. Don't Starve for instance simply would be boring as hell of you could save/reload. Same goes for FTL. Those games are built around "Game Over, try again.". But of course this means those games are not for everyone (which goes for every other genre too in a way, but some are more mainstream than others).
I think for me the biggest problems is losing the progress of many hours and repetition. So tolerable permadeath games should be a) short and b) sufficiently different every time.
Well, if the game is built around it in respect towards the player's progress and time, much like Heroes of Hammerwatch and Tangle deep both of which are games that I love playing,
(Hell, even the Darkest Dungeon has permenent progress that respects the player's time!) then it's much easier to swallow rather than boring restarts, then that point is well taken.
I believe in a gamer's choice, so I suppose that's why I support modes for most gamers and it takes some serious game development skills to pull it off well!
*(Cough-Larian studio's-Divinity OS series-cough!) I can see where some would love to have that adreanaline rush-high-stakes gaming experience, but elite gamers are by their very nature in the minority after all, so more power to them, but its hard to build a company around niche title in such an over-saturated industry.