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Crosmando: I think anyone who watches other people play games instead of playing games themselves is a fucking moron.
I suppose you don't watch sports then?
KneeTheCap: You should really, really watch his playthrough of Witcher 2. It caused quite a stir back in the days in these very forums.
I'm two minutes in and I can already tell. Why the hell does anyone watch this guy's videos?
Elmofongo: I only watch playthroughs of old games I don't own that obtaining them is impossible (Warcraft 1 for example)
That's because you seem to have some bizarre aversion to torrenting decade old games.
Crosmando: I think anyone who watches other people play games instead of playing games themselves is a fucking moron.
KneeTheCap: I suppose you don't watch sports then?
/thread. Idiot doesn't seem to understand.
itchy01ca01: /thread. Idiot doesn't seem to understand.
So you can play all physical sports at a professional level then? Anyone can play a video game idiot.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by Crosmando
itchy01ca01: /thread. Idiot doesn't seem to understand.
Crosmando: So you can play all physical sports at a professional level then? Anyone can play a video game idiot.
No one said they can play a professional game, fool. What we were saying is that watching a sport is the same as watching a video game.
itchy01ca01: /thread. Idiot doesn't seem to understand.
Crosmando: So you can play all physical sports at a professional level then? Anyone can play a video game idiot.
Anyone can do sports, too. People watch sports at amateur levels, too. Even the worst football club in the lowest league has it's fans.
dewtech: WTH is this thread about?
Are those those guys who 12 year olds watch because they can't move their mouses good enough and send them their parents' hard earned money? If yes, I'd say its a shitty new way to make money by using easily gullible kids and they both pointless bottom of the barrel people. Get a real job.
Pheace: While I get the gist of your post, Pewdiepie is now a multimillionaire if I'm not mistaken. Doubt a 'real job' would've gotten him that far.
Yeah. and the money that made him rich was from some 10 year old fans. But well, some people are willing to do anything to get some money.
dewtech: Yeah. and the money that made him rich was from some 10 year old fans. But well, some people are willing to do anything to get some money.
I absolutely abhor pewdiepie's style of video's but if I could earn money by making kids laugh then you bet I would.

If the issue is that the money comes from the kids, that's a parenting problem.
Yet... we all know that DDP will make DSP...




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