Vampire Redemption.
Works fine.
The game is a bit sluggish, but i'm not sure if that's the game it self
or VMware.
The mouse cursor has a tendency to move from left to right at the start of the game, but ctrl alt in and out of the guest OS and the mouse cursor will regain full range of movement again.
Hellgate London.
Doesn't work.
The game for some reason gives an non compatibility error.
And seems to think Windows XP is Windows 95.
The Sims 2.
Works fine.
But is locked in to 800x600.
Graphically it looks a bit so, so.
But works fine otherwise.
Only tested the base game.
I am not going to install all expansion and stuffs packs.
Star Wars Kotor 1, best of PC version.
Works perfectly fine.
No problems.
No hang ups.
No work arounds.
No glitches.
It just works perfectly fine.
According to the game, the VMware player has TNL.
Star Wars Kotor II on the other hand,
does bugger all.
The game starts up.
But it crashes the moment the game proper, tries to load.
Cursed Mountain.
Despite its ridiculously long installation for an 8 gig game,
the game it self works fine in 1024x768.
Doesn't work.
The DRM claims the guest OS doesn't meet the system requirements.
Murder On The Orient Express.
Works just fine with everything on, except AA.
Once again, another game that works perfectly fine in 1024x768.
And VMware once again is batting far better then average.
It's doing better then expected.
Next up are Oblivion.
Colin McRae Rally 04 and 2005.
But after that, I'm calling it quite for a while.