mechmouse: To have not been the slightest bit curious whether GoG was not doing the same deal meant The Author had no idea about the history of Witcher or CDPR stance against DRM. Not good for a video game journalist.
MrPopo: Have you ever considered that most people don't care about DRM-free? I get that it's a big thing for you (and many other people here) but the average gamer doesn't care, as Steam works just fine for them. It's not a conspiracy or underhanded dealings or anything. You've picked a hill to die on that most people aren't even aware of.
Sorry I confused the situation with mentioning DRM. Anyone with sufficient knowledge of the PC gaming industry to work as a journalist in that market should know some of the historic events the shaped the market, who the major and minor players are.
Any one getting paid to write about PC Games should know the Witcher Series are developed and published by CDPR and that they have their own distribution system via GoG.
Had there been some massive Steam sale on the FarCry series, I would have expected any journalist to quickly pop onto uPlay to see if the same deal was being done there and listed it up.