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Post edited September 23, 2015 by Fairfox
I came here for more 'Bustededed' English.
Got disappointed. :(
Fairfox: Very odd; logging into PayPal normally is just fine, but from yesterday onwards if I try and pay for a GOG order via Paypal it gets to the 'Logging you in...' dialogue (after 'Authenticating your information') and then... doesn't. I let it sit for three minutes each time before giving in. I've tried clearing cache, deleting cookies and running Firefox in Safe Mode. I'm sure this isn't a GOG issue, but then nobody is talking about it either which leads me to believe this isn't a widespread problem. Before yesterday there's been no issue.

Edit: Sat and left it for five minutes and the ''Logging you in...' finally vanishes, but aside from the Order Summary on the left-hand side I'm just left with a white area of nothingness.

Edit edit: If I purposely enter a wrong password it immediately tells me, so it's clearly verified that before hanging. I do have a further security key card... thingy so I wonder if that's suddenly the issue. Never has been before, nor on the main site generally, though!

Edit edit edit: Okay, temporarily disabled the security key and it went straight through, so that seems to be the issue. lolz?
You legend! This has been bugging me for weeks. Apparently it also works if you enter your 6 digit code onto the end of your password, so no need to disable you security.
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Fairfox
Fairfox: Edit: [...]

Edit edit: [...]

Edit edit edit: [...]
Fairfox: 'Regina Spektor' is one of the best names ever. All parts of it work so well. I want that name.
Even better: her record label imprint (or whatever it's called) is...wait for it...ReSpekt.