Only recently started playing the first game, and learnt about the Kickstarter after it was completed. Love what I've seen from the first game so far, tho, so am by extension also excited about this sequel. Really cool that they got so much money. Asked for 300,000 (low-ball perhaps) and got 2 million. That's nuts for contemporary Kickstarter campaigns.
Will hold off on a "purchase" as well. Not because I doubt it will appear here DRM free, but because I'm on Linux and they have not yet promised a Linux release. It was a stretch goal in the first game I see, and they delivered. Hopefully they release this game for Linux too, but I'll wait and see.
Everybody are also saying the first game was bug ridden to hell and back, so it may make sense to wait a bit after release before purchasing -- once the worst bugs are squashed. I don't like to pay to be a public beta tester.