OldFatGuy: By the way, speaking of Fallout 4 (in the OP)....
Home sweet home.... LOL
almabrds: Nice base.
I wonder why the dog/wolf head is bigger than the Deathclaw o.O
It's a baby Deathclaw?
It's not bigger. Not sure why it appears that way in the photo, but in game it's most definitely not bigger. Maybe because it's closer and higher on the wall? I dunno, but in game the head of the wild mongrel is not even as big as the wood base of the deathclaw head trophy.
Now if it's big you want..... you should see the size of the Queen Mirelurk claw. I had to mount that in another room of the Red Rocket.... it's huuuuuuuuuuuge.
As was the Queen Mirelurk. LOL. I was playing and when I first saw it, I thought "Why is a clump of trees moving? A glitch?" (It was nighttime). Then the realization that it was something alive, and then "WTF IS THAT?" My first thought was running, but my curiosity got the best of me. I was very fortunate though. I placed a bottlecap mine in just the right spot apparently as when I started firing and it charged, it got the mine and crippled a leg. Made the battle much easier.
I have a policy in each game of not building/placing the trophy on the wall until I've actually killed whatever it is (sometimes you can have all the "ingredients" to build a trophy head without having killed it) and the Mirelurk queen was the last thing and completed my collection... except for a cat head, which I won't ever place because I'm not going to go kill a cat.... lol, l like cats)
I've started about 38 new games, as when I die... it's game over. I just don't know how to role-play death.How do people who just reload explain all that took place from that last reload to the death? "It was just a dream?" "God resurrected me but could only do so XXXX minutes before the death?" "It was a vision acting as a warnning?" None of that works for me, and yes, I've had three games with over 100 hours each, that I started over when I died. It's painful, but it's also fun. I've had 38 different characters evolve different ways and it's always fun. Might not ever beat the game though... LOL. Over 1000 hours of playing and I've never gotten even close.