PaterAlf: No, that's nort the reason. The reason is that we had (and still have) many people here (some with multiple accounts) that only show up when there are free games to grab. Some of them never even said "thank you" or also scammed people.
Because of this most people stopped code dropping and many also introduced rules to their giveaways.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sorry that you feel disappointed and I'm not saying that you are one of these leechers, but please understand that people got sceptical, because their generosity got exploited.
Please feel free to participate in any of my giveaways that don't have such a rule (the next big one will probably be in December).
Yes, I have only messages in giveaway posts (2 messages). My account have 484 days and I grab 1 game (and say thank you). Maybe I do not participate (almost) of the forum, but I do not think I am a leecher.
But you do not need to send me a PM to ask if I have more forum activity that you can not see. That's like if you are laughing at me.
And no, thank you. I will not participate in your giveaway because you (and other in this forum) make me feel like a beggar.
Thank you very much.
siulebuo: I am really dissapointed with this practice of "giveaway only for forum rep members". It's like: "if your are not very social and/or do not write very well on english you do not deserve our games".
I have a year old account. I read the forum from time to time, but I not like to write very much (this message takes me 10 minutes). Maybe that's a reason for not deserve something.
Spinorial: It's actually a fairly reasonable practice. I probably know the effort of writing a long and thoughtful post better than most, and yet I put in the effort because it seems to be the least I can do to make the forum a better place. I know how simply reading and not replying may seem like reasonable participation, but you should consider how there is no way for others to appreciate it. Even if one isn't very sociable or skilled in writing, putting that bit of effort is a reasonable way to repay your gifter's generosity.
And yes, that post took me around 7 minutes, maybe a little more ;)
EDIT: At least 8 minutes, actually - judging from the posts that replied before me :P
How many times have you read Wikipedia and how many times do you write on it?
Do you like Wikipedia?