Elmofongo: So how does this thread work? Just ask what game I like to have and hope I luck out?
if so I am broke and I won't get paid until september. Right now I am interested in non GOG games.
Either Crysis Warhead for Origin
Far Cry 3 for Steam
Skyrim Legendary Edition
This is a game drop thread. If you're around and you're the first to reply to the post, then you usually get the game. However scammers are aware of this thread, so people who do drop will sometimes attach conditions to the drops. You have no choice as to what game is dropped, that's entirely up to the dropper. If you're asking for games, this thread is not the right one, try this one -
The Non-GOG Gifting Thread.
ASnakeNeverDies: As far as I know, you have to wait for someone to offer them and hope to be there when it happens. But in case I'm wrong...
I want
Half-Life 3. Just PM me with the code.
This is a game drop thread. If you're around and you're the first to reply to the post, then you usually get the game. However scammers are aware of this thread, so people who do drop will sometimes attach conditions to the drops. You have no choice as to what game is dropped, that's entirely up to the dropper. If you're asking for games, this thread is not the right one, try this one -
The Non-GOG Gifting Thread.