In lieu of writing an entire connected argument, I've decided to address a few of your points specifically. It isn't meant as the start or perpetuation of an argument, but is merely a counterpoint based on my experience in the forum.
Please do not take offence at anything I say. It may be harsh and direct, but it is in no way meant to offend.
javihyuga: But what I don't get is why post after post is written regarding this subject, throwing shit at each other and somewhat flooding the forums with hate, which eventually creates such a shitty atmosphere a blue has to lock the thread.
Shitstorms like this happen precisely because people see something, but don't say anything. They see it again, and still keep quiet. This keeps happening, again and again, until it boils over. Ergo, shitstorm.
It's a lovely and noble sentiment, keeping the threads clean and happy for all to enjoy, except some people aren't lovely and noble. They take advantage of the silence, keep doing whatever they've been doing wrong, maybe don't even realise they've done something wrong, or abuse unsuspecting people who haven't noticed their previous behaviour. And they haven't noticed precisely because PEOPLE KEPT QUIET! It's a delightfully vicious circle,no?
javihyuga: I mean, everybody dropping codes keeps a tiny eye at these kind of threads and usually has enough free will to decide whether or not to give the code to the user. And if the person giving the code decides to drop the code, I don't see how anyone has the right to throw shit at the fan.
You'd think so, but it doesn't work quite that way. See, givers can be just as uncomfortable bringing this stuff up as everyone else. Or they just don't want to bother.
javihyuga: But in the same fashion, I do not understand how some members seem to like imposing/bringing up this attitude or how the claim to find some user unworthy of
other's generosity. I find more than adequate to investigate "smelly" users but, again IMHO, this should be done in a more "private" way and only brought up if there is strong evidence of cheating.
So, if you think that you
must point out that some "evil" user has received too many codes,
even if the person actually giving them doesn't seem to mind at all to gift them to the same person, I think you should consider if it wouldn't be better if, instead of starting the shit splashing fan, you could only write that username down, do a little private research and banning him of own giveaways if desired.
does go into such accusations. Notice how there was a very good reason this argument started, not a mere "You take too much." And again, keeping things quiet and private is all fine and dandy, until you realise you're keeping it quiet because everyone is uncomfortable to be the first one to post.
In the end, I think posts like yours, which invariably occur and shut these discussions down, only serve to cover up and subdue a necessary discussion on a pressing issue. I see these occurrences as a very healthy release of pent up frustration by well-meaning members. I know you mean well, too, but sometimes you just have to fight fire with fire. It ain't pretty, but it's even worse to notice something wrong and feel helpless about it
Don't for a second believe I actually want to bother with this stuff! It's a hassle, writing and arguing and accusing. But I've seen and read enough to know someone needs to take a lead. And in the end, well-meaning folks like yourself are the last people I want to argue with. Cheers!