PaterAlf: No, you just get one license. This is from their FAQ:
"Can I sell/give away my keys?
Each purchase is intended
for use by one individual."
I never understood why they started to give out Steam keys for individual games and not the whole bundle.
They did start giving out one key for the whole bundle and got a lot of backlash from it so they reverted that and started using Steam account authentication and links to redeem games on your account or gift links and did away with Steam keys.
When I look at their bundles, I find out first if I get one key/link or one per game. If it is one single link to redeem all games, I wont buy it unless I actually want every single game in the bundle or am interested in trying them, or the games I do want are themselves alone the full bundle price to me to waste games I wont play that are in the bundle. To date, I have avoided buying at least one if not more of their bundles. I'm not upset with them either way though, they can do it however they like and I'm cool with that. If I don't like their individual offers and conditions though I just wont buy them.
If they make a change like that and lose 90% of their customers or something, that wouldn't be smart either. :)