Posted November 05, 2023

It keeps saying something about the capcha (screenshot).
Otherwise, I'd still be curious what was actually left on the disk in that computer, as opposed to what shows up as installed, especially if you didn't somehow install the games under Program Files.
And... You seem in a state of panic at the moment, which is understandable under the circumstances but leads to a string of rushed and bad decisions that tend to only worsen the situation. Reminds me of what I did when there was that HDD failure in 2007, when on top of basically running around like a headless chicken, after "reviving" the drive enough to do so, putting it in another computer, I simply forgot to save some files that were... priceless, for personal reasons. And also made a bad choice about not backing something else up, at least on DVDs or something if I had no space otherwise.
At least learned from that to always have backups, multiple and regular, and also something of a checklist in case of a repeat of the issue (which there was, in 2012, when I didn't lose anything as a result).
Post edited November 05, 2023 by Cavalary