timppu: It was not a "Galaxy version of the installer", ie. something that would have been meant for existing Galaxy users.
It was meant for new users and other users without an existing Galaxy client, with the option to install Galaxy while you install the game.
No idea what you are talking about here.
The way I remember it, was you could go to your library and download an installer that included Galaxy or an Offline Installer that didn't. Now of course, the Galaxy variant is just a stub file, but once upon a time it was more than that until complained about.
There was a period where some claimed that Galaxy was included in some Offline Installers as well, but dormant ... but I never saw any proof of that.
timppu: Galaxy users need no installers. The installers are only for non-Galaxy users.
I am not suggesting they do.
If using Galaxy, it would be as seamless as now.
If using the Galaxy option on the online library web page, they would get an installer instead of a stub file, but in practice it wouldn't prove that different. Something has to download the full game. What matters for the Galaxy user, is whether Galaxy takes over the install process, which it would for them. The same files and roughly the same amount of time would be the result.
timppu: There would be no benefit for users with such installers. Galaxy users wouldn't use those installers as they don't need any installers, the Galaxy client downloads and installs the games they want.
What Galaxy does now and what Galaxy could do are two different things.
timppu: Unlike you suggested elsewhere, it wouldn't guarantee version parity with Galaxy-versions of games because these offline installers would still have to be created somehow (automatically or manually) and put the download links to the GOG homepages.
You are just not getting it.
Galaxy and the Offline Installer are using the same source.
In reality, it is not that different to what occurs overall now, just about how that source is being managed.
Both Galaxy User and Offline User end up with the same game files, as they do currently.
Okay, now that at least some of you probably fully understand what I am suggesting GOG do about game installers, let me just mention the one true objection GOG might have - facility for rollback.
As has been mentioned elsewhere, Galaxy installing gets priority, and really to be perfectly honest, another instance of preferential treatment, by allowing version rollback if the gamer wishes to do so. This means they GOG don't really need to oversee and check an update, which is part of the problem with Offline Installer updates, where they feel they need to, before they are released to us.
With only one installer type for a game, as in my suggestion, they would need to offer older version download links, so that we the Offline Users could also rollback, independent of Galaxy. In a nutshell, giving us access to what Galaxy currently has access to. That means GOG would not need to oversee an Offline Installer update, before it it becomes available to us.
Clearly, GOG currently don't want to give access to older versions, or a previous version, to those who don't use Galaxy. No doubt they see it as one of their selling points for Galaxy.
We should all really be complaining about the preferential treatment Galaxy installing and Galaxy users get. If there is something truly worthy of a boycott, it should be that.