victorchopin: So how's the 19th page of this 365 page book called "2018: STARTIN' FRESH **AGAIN**" going?! :P
So far so... bueno?
You showed up one week too early before the anniversary of the last post in this thread before it went to sleep for an entire year :D
So I've been "clean" for almost a year now but it's really not about petty records and counting days anymore - and certainly not limited to refraining from buying games. That is just one symptom of a bigger struggle, not a root cause. Nevertheless, it represents one front on the battlefield.
I'm taking an all-encompassing approach to life on as many levels as possible (physical and mental), as best I can. Without pushing so hard that it becomes self-punishing and without allowing for too much slackery and excuses, focusing on the general direction being forward and upward and always being mindful of where I am and what I'm doing. If the speed is one step back and only one and a half steps forward then so be it. There's no use in having a defeatist "too little, too late" mindset.
All of us have perks and disadvantages, fortunately one of my main perks is perseverance. It can do no magic and often I fall back on stubbornness which unlike perseverance doesn't allow for progress but can prevent regression in many cases. In that regard, stubbornness is my shield and perseverance is my sword. The fight continues!